What is the button I could push that would make you do what you need to do to grow?

why is there no big red button?Today was my errands day. It is also the only day during the week when I talk to anyone.

And as you know, talking when I have echo, someone who hears me is the most meaningful activity for me.

I did have private clients for massage, and I did it for 16 years… Giving a massage is not meaningful for me. So I picked and chose, and filtered, and screened the people that wanted a massage: If I didn’t feel that there will be a meaningful conversation, that I would be heard, I didn’t take them as a client.

Hey, it’s my life, and my fulfillment is what it is supposed to be organized around.

I am unabashed

Cinematherapy: what does it do? It teaches you to feel.

FeelingsMovies with good actors do it better…

American actors are mostly useless, but it may be because American directors have no empathy? And yet some of the most missing feelings I got from American TV series I have watched through Netflix. I have recently learned family love, and being able to choose, ultimately, what is win-win… in a series I am watching now, Blue Bloods about a Irish family of cops in New York City. I also had a peek at something I didn’t know I wanted to feel: how religion is for people who have faith…

I don’t know if it is the actors or the di

As long as you are stuck, no new capacities will be working… Cinematherapy anyone?

Inside-Out-Study-Guide-683x1024Most people are stuck… movement is not possible. It can be total or it can be partial.

To see where you are stuck is difficult, because the cause, the stuck part can be several layers deep.

A skilled coach or therapist may fail to find the linchpin issue, because in the normal course of a therapy, it is talking, the words, that are masking it.

One of my students in the Reclaim program has chosen to work with the idea of inspiring movies. Using movies to unstuck pe

Your free will, your choice is mostly inside the question: shall I shrink or shall I grow?

finally-flyingYou have been choosing the shrink most of your life… and you ended up on my site with a meager number of capacities, hoping to get more out of life than you are getting.

You have been choosing, consistently to be a fat flightless turkey, in spite of your DNA that has flying as a capacity.

Yesterday I activated the capacity of Process for a handful of people… and it seems that this is a crucial capacity… Here are some interesting insights reading people’s notes who just got the Process capacity activated

T from England writes. She now has

Lack of opportunities… giving opportunities… all myth… Dark Side suggestion

trading-placesMost people that complain about lack of opportunities would fumble the ball if they got it… Fumble means: drop the ball.

The illusion is that what is missing is an opportunity, the funding, the money to start something… is an illusion, and it is a very harmful illusion. It makes you look at blame… not yourself.

Similar to this: support is missing. If your parents, spouse, the society supported you… blah blah blah.

It’s all illusion… as in a lie. Bull crap.

There was an incident in my life that I go back to often.

In 1992 I had a big space at the back of my office, that was unused, but I pa

An Atlantic article: What does ISIS really want?


What ISIS Really Wants

from the Atlantic

The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.

What is the Islamic State?

Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? The simplicity of these questions can be deceiving, and few Western leaders seem to know the answers. In December, The New York Times published confidential comme

Mind Movies Matrix Login – Creating A Vision Board Online fraud

Natalie Ledwell Inspiration Show The Mind Movie message system is a constant reminder, to the Subconscious Mind, of what it is you want. Remember, it’s your other than conscious mind that does the majority of the work of inviting what you want into your life. Your mind movie is merely a tool to help you […]

Mind Movies Matrix Login – Creating A Vision Board Online review

Natalie Ledwell Ebook The Mind Movie subliminal message system is a reminder, to your Subconscious Mind, of what it is you want. Remember, it’s your other than conscious mind that does the majority of the work of attracting what you want into your life. Your mind movie is merely a tool for change to help […]

What are we going for when we ask you to use your activated capacities?

the-beasts-transformationWhat we go for is transformation.

Transformation is the magical seeming phenomenon when from one moment to the other, the world changes in front of our very eyes.
Of course the world argues that you can do anything you put your mind to, but this is a lie. You can do anything that you have the DNA capacities to do.

Capacities can be interpreted as abilities, but there is only a correlation. Talent would be a closer approximation of what DNA capacity is.

I have participated in transformational education for the past 30 years. Mos

What holds you back?

different-strokesI have been wondering what is the real reason behind many of you

1. coming back and reading the articles for years, yet never actually buying anything
2. buying stuff but not using them

I watched a video today, aimed at hypnotherapists.

The similarity between hypnotherapy and what I do is that most of what happens happens in the invisible realm. And what comes up is fear… doesn’t it?

What if she blah blah blah, fill in the blank with your fear.

In this article I want to honor the people who can’t even get themselves into the position of actually try… try and succeed, try and fail, but at least give it a shot