I have muscle tested dozens of teachers that teach or have taught the power of your mind religion. They are all miserable and wretched. Low vibration, inner disharmony, incoherence.
If the teachers that teach it can’t make it work for them, probably it is time for you to decide that it doesn’t work. That it’s junk science. A lie. Fraud. Deception. Tool to enslave humanity… successfully enslave it, so far.
Humanity as humanoids is about 200,000 years old.
Life has been largely the life of little kids, who are afraid of some god and some devil and of their own shadow.
Because humanity’s knowledge about what is behind the curtain has been faulty
But this hidden agenda, to profit from every interaction, at your expense is not limited to the internet, it is just easier to see the dynamic there. It is harder to see it in person to person interactions, with every single person you interact with, or in books, articles, organizations, charity, politics, or people and their pets.
And it is hardest to see in yourself.
I am not condemning it: it seems that “desire for the self alone” is having a new renaissance, and you either don’t notice it, or are in a conspiracy for “I won’t tell on you, if you won’t tell on me.”
I am a person who is well trained to help people create a context for their lives, for their relationships, for their businesses… a context, words, a spea
I am watching you… lol. Not like Big Brother, more like I learn from you what you need. Where you are defeating your best intentions, where you leak energy, where you get it wrong.
And because you are here (I hope at least some of you) to get help in attaining to the good life, so you want me to watch you… it is for your benefit.
I was just telling one of my students the biggest missing he has: The principle that
everything you ever wanted comes to you through other people
or as Wallace D. Wattles says in The Science of Getting Rich: the gold coins won’t roll out and to you, they will be in the hands of others.
Everything is connected. The connection is in the invisible realm, but it is not less real than the visible, it is just either below the surface or its wave length is not in the visible range of light.
The connection can be
chemical in nature.
It can be vibrational in nature
Electric in nature
I’ll give you some examples I am suddenly seeing now that my vibration jumped to 950.
I went to my chiropractor today: my neck was stuck.
I took a ride with the community center van. On the way back the driver of the van gave me feedback on myself: eager. As in eager beaver… busy body, annoying, rushing people. (I was early in the morning, and I was waiting for him outside when he came to pick me up. I meant to make it easier and faster for him, but that is not how it landed… obviously.)
I am always suspicious of things, books, movies, series, that are best sellers.
Why? Because if it is likeable by the masses, then it probably is full of low vibration stuff.
The other day I didn’t feel like reading heavy duty stuff, I was craving story. Stories are very important to humans: you get that as you can. Most, alas, gets it in gossip. Facebook, trash sites, click-bait and such.
The vibrational level of gossip is 70. Adjust your vibration to get closer and closer to 70.
Sitting in the living room, pretending to do your own work, while others gossip: you would be sitting in your bedroom if you would ever want to be higher vibration.
As people round the steps in the 67 step coaching program, as they begin the second cycle, they start to see new things, or they keep on seeing the same things…
Some see the things from memory. Comparing. “Knowing”. And some from actually seeing.
Step two (in the 67 steps) introduces the idea of the Selfish Gene, evolutionary stable strategy.
This point is where people diverge: one in the direction of the Tree of Knowledge, the other in the direction of the Tree of Life.
It is really amazing to watch them go, unaware of the other path.
I will illustrate this with their own words… but before I do, I want to set down some principles:
I think it was Hippocrates who said: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
He didn’t know that what we call food in the 21st Century isn’t. That there are more chemicals in what we call food than in actual medicine. That we now have access to “food” that our body does not recognize as food… Plants and animals from far away lands, or designer plants and designer animals, that no other living creature recognizes as food.
Cows’, sheep’, even pigs’ body doesn’t recognize corn as food. It gets sick from it.
Same with genetically modified alfalfa, soy and soy bean, and beets.
If you looked before you say “food”, you would know that.
If you were interested in what
When people want to raise their vibration, when people want to improve their lives, ultimately I recommend that they start with increasing their cell hydration.
The cell, when it is struggling to perform the functions the cell is designed to do, has a real hard time to give you energy for life.
The life that you want to live needs you to have a lot more energy than you have, physical energy, emotional energy, intellectual energy, spiritual energy. And when your cells are dehydrated they can’t give it to you.
I don’t know if it is true that death is when enough of your cells die because of dehydration, but it makes a lot of sense.