Your soul correction in your favorite movies, the ones that come up in your memory again and again

One of my favorite movies is a Coen brothers movie, True Grit

It comes up for me 4-5 times a year, to ponder who had the true grit… the little girl or the big drunkard marshal? ((One of the main reason I love the Coen brothers in this movie is because they give opportunities to famous actors who never had a chance to prove they can act, an opportunity to act. Like Matt Damon. OMG…

Watch the movie on the subscribers’ site uploaded

Time Travel and Kabbalah

When we talk about time travel, what we mean is totally and fully in the 1% reality, I call the horizontal plane elsewhere.

Just watch the movie: Back to the Future, and you see the character played by Michael J. Fox physically did stuff and that changed the future that he traveled back to. It changed the people, their income level, their behavior, their social status.

But what if our limited thinking is not the only way to look at this phenomenon?

Let me tell you something that I had first hand experience with.

Some 20 years ago, in a Landmark Seminar, the Leadership Seminar, (for those of you that care,) we needed to do a group project to practice leadership.

My group decided to create a self help gro

More on the 10 dark years theory… or why it is more like 30-40 years or never…

Most winners in life master one thing in particular: they are astute. Astute: having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people.

Accurately assess… as opposed to have an opinion, have a good feel, or guess…

Is that a skill, a capacity, a virtue? What is it and how do you get it?

A have a new “most visited” post, the 31 quotes that give you chills… Why? Because it promises an experience… an experience you crave in the consistently dull and painful life you have.

Wanting to get chills without any other benefits says a lot about you and your life. What does it say? For one: you are a mystery to yourself…

I have said it before… humanity bars its way to evolution by thro

For you everything is the same as everything else, except that not always…

The second part of the title, “except that not always” is doesn’t apply for at least 10% of you: you won’t even see the difference when I point it out. ((Another way to say the title: You can’t tell your ass from a hole in the ground…

The most frustrating thing is, that you are sure you are saying or understanding the right words… but you don’t. And you blame it on the speaker saying that what they said doesn’t work.

How do I know?

For most people, who become a student in my programs, this is the first hurdle to pass.

You come into my program with a 300 accurate vocabulary, and you only hear the words you think you know what they mean, but that is not what I

What is the difference: I get to shovel the 10 inch snow… and I have to shovel show?

In my weekly coaching call with my only business/marketing student last night, I went deep into the causes of why someone with a degree, why someone who is making a living, cannot move further up the life-satisfaction, life effectiveness scale.

I have found two blatant holes in him, that my guess is shared by all of you, or most of you.

  • 1. a total blindness of what gives meaning and therefore the mood for life.
  • 2. a total inability to see what is cause and what is effect.

So how do you fix that? You don’t.

When you find something that isn’t working or isn’t working as well as you’d like it to, your knee jerk reaction is to fix it. Or change it. Or stop doing it.

But unle

The narrative… the story that creates who you are

The narrative ((narrative:
* 1.a story or account of events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious.
* 2.a book, literary work, etc., containing such a story.
* 3.the art, technique, or process of narrating, or of telling a story: Somerset Maugham was a master of narrative.
* 4.a story that connects and explains a carefully selected set of supposedly true events, experiences, or the like, intended to support a particular viewpoint or thesis: to rewrite the prevailing narrative about masculinity; the narrative that our public schools are failing.))

A student of mine, after listening to my last Sunday call recording, asked why Jews turned to a different strategy than the slaves from Africa. Or Native Americans.

Your behavior is always consistent with what you see… All your mistakes come from here…

Your behavior is always consistent with what you see.

And what you see depends 100% of your available capacities.

You don’t even look… because you know what is there… you know there is nothing to see.

The difference between a blind person and you is that the blind person knows she cannot see.

Why can’t you see? For two reasons:

  • 1. your prejudices and cognitive biases
  • 2. no one demanded that you actually see. The school system, your family, even the places where you work expect you to be blind, stupid, waiting to be told… and you don’t disappoint.

The few of you that can see are called trouble makers, or simple “trouble”.

So you go through life pointing the

Why do I feel lethargic?

Lethargic is a way of being where there is no energy to live, to move forward, and there is not even hope.

It feels like deflated, the life force that was there before disappeared.

Tiredness that doesn’t ease up with rest, a good night’s sleep, isn’t tiredness. It is probably lethargy, depression, or purposelessness.

Why meaning disappears… when the future to live for disappears.

Lethargic-2 I experienced lethargy after my first time winning a national competitio

Updated: Truth value… let’s talk about truth value

beauty-vs-intelligence-23-638During the summer of 1966 I ran into a girl I knew from elementary school. Turns out she applied and was accepted to the same school I was going to start in that September.

We were having a chat. I remember thinking to myself: Compared to her I know everything… why am I going to school?

We both graduated. I am sure she still thinks she knows everything. My experience is that I know less and less as time goes by.

Whether you can identify with my 19 year old person, or my 69 year old person, and to what degree will be important, so jot it down.

This article will attempt to answer truth value.

What is the opposite of truth? I have no idea

Scarcity, abundance… big words… again. What are they, and how can you get into abundance?

Both are context words. Neither talks about the stuff that is inside the context… inside the wrapper. The wrapper tells you how to look at the content.

It has nothing to do with the stuff, or the quantity of it. It can be great, it can be plenty… the context, scarcity or abundance will tell you what to feel, what to think, what to do.

Why? Because context is decisive.

You can have plenty inside the context of scarcity, and feel that you don’t have enough. Enough time, enough stuff, enough happiness, enough whatever…

…or the opposite, you can have little, but inside the context of abundance, you have what you have, and what you have is enough.
