I read a lot of books. About 100 books a year. Cover to cover. I don’t subscribe to Tai’s reading method…
I left a 2000 book library when I left Hungary. that was 34 years ago.
Every book is an opportunity to shatter my view of the world. And many do. Sometimes not directly… sometimes through the effect the book has on other people.
Sounds simple, right? self-image means: how you see yourself… but nothing internal is as simple and as straight as that?
The way scientists, medical practitioners, diet-cults, pharmaceutical companies work is called linear reductionism… ((
[ri-duhk-shuh-niz-uh m]
the theory that every complex phenomenon, especially in biology or psychology, can be explained by analyzing the simplest, most basic physical mechanisms that are in operation during the phenomenon.
the practice of simplifying a complex idea, issue, condition, or the like, especially to the point of minimizing, obscuring, or distorting it.
)) and it is a cognitive bias.
Let me repeat the process that will begin your active role in raising your vibration, that will begin your process of becoming a Human Being.
If you are offended that I say that you are not a human being, please give it up. Beingness is not available fully on the level humanity is existing, and if you live in the United States, you are even less likely to be on the level than people who live in countries where pretentious living is not the norm.
With that said, let’s see, again, what is the process. What is triggering this article, is the response I am getting to the a
Sophie Benshitta Maven In my previous article I write about the creative plane vs. the competitive plane. Today’s culture, the norm, the planetary hypnosis (Dark Side) generated attitude is hurry and forcing. Although I don’t like Dr. David Hawkins and his books, his
Who Perpetuates The Culture Of Abuse , The Culture Of Measuring Man And Woman’s Rights Differently? The Men Or The Women Of A Culture? This is a controversial article. People will be offended.