More on the Law of Process

I have been observing people for about 30 years… I have participated with thousands. I have coached thousands. I have been friends with a few.

There has been one thing in common with all of them: they picked and chose what they wanted to do, so they never succeeded.

I observed the same thing on myself, and to the degree that it is there, to the degree someone won’t amount to anything, won’t amount to much.

I read quite a few sales letters a day, ((I am most interested in marketing)) mostly because I am interested… not in buying, but …

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Yesterday I had a day of rude awakening to glass ceilings we have

Yesterday I did some teaching with some people and the stuff didn’t go through. I am at a point where I am questioning if anything can be taught, if any change can be accomplished, if the current humanity is even able to go to the next level of evolution.

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ADD, ADHD. Are the parents guilty? What the French can teach us about that…

Is ADD and ADHD a nature or nurture phenomenon? There is a surprising answer: we compare American and French children with regards to ADD…

Based on an article by Marilyn Wedge, Ph.D. “Why French Kids Don’t Have ADHD? French children don’t need medications to control their behavior.”
First off: what is ADD and ADHD?
Attention deficit disorder is a symptom. According to Dr. Daniel Amen, when an ADD/ADHD person wants to concentrate, at a certain point their prefrontal cortex shuts down… much like your computer crashes when you overload it.

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Coaching is often like herding cats…

Cats are notoriously individualistic, and abhor being herded, or even told what to do.

Your (and) my aspects are like cats: enjoying and protecting their freedoms you have given them all these years, that you thought they were the boss. Your boss.

I am talking here of the aspects of your mind, your emotions, your thoughts, and your urges.

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Is being astute a good thing? Or does it mean you are a bad person who wants to deceive others?

If I asked you what will be the most important capacity to master in the coming years, you would come up with all kinds of capacities, but I bet you would not think of saying: becoming astute.

If you go to the online dictionary, like one of my students did, the one for whom I made this activators, you would not understand why that capacity is important.

Here is what the dictionary has to say:

Having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one’s advantage: “an astute businessman”.
shrewd – sly – wily – crafty – canny – artful – sharp

To understand the meaning better, you look at the synonyms, and you are appalled, am I right? They are all words usually used to express one kind of deception or another.

But the meaning is only the first few words, the rest of them is added by “culture”: “Ha

Case Study #2: Trivedi Foundation

Trivedi , an East Indian scientist or engineer? is new to the American scene. He gives blessings, in person, in groups, and over the telephone to large number of people. His stated purpose is to prove to the scientists that this works, so he also gives blessings to animals, growing fields, etc. I went on his monthly blessings $50 a pop program.

You asked for your vibrational reading. You got it. You don’t agree… Here is a public answer

Warning: read the footnotes… In this article they are especially telling. I put everything in the footnotes that would make the article difficult to read… But their position, in the footnotes, doesn’t make them not important, or not part of the article. Consider yourself warned… lol

I measured someone’s vibration, re-measured 3 times. It was consistently 100.

We emailed back and forth, this is the last email that came, this morning:

Hello Sophie,
My last message to you was a kind of joke, I must apologize and thank you for your reply. The reason for my writing is to let you know for the final time that you are wrong. My vibration is somewhere around 350, not 100.

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Not all complaints are created equal plus a funny story to wake you up

This article may be the most important article you’ll ever read… This is not an exaggeration. Any day is a good day to wake up, but around these weeks of greed and herdlike stomping to get more stuff, it is especially a good time. So, as you understand, this is a wake up article…

We all say we hate complainers. And we all complain.

But is there any form of complaint that is not a downer, that is not a racket, that is a good thing?

I like to watch entire series of television shows on Netflix. If I don’t like it, I just start another one. No commercials, no TV needed, easy.

I watched Foyle’s War, a British series, and I was encouraged: well written, well played. So I started to watch a Swedish series, Wallander. Five stars… must be good.

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What is Love, how does meditation work, what do the activators do?

I have a Landmark Education friend. In Landmark you invent a new possibility for yourself and your life as often as daily… Possibility used to fix your wretched life… in spite of the fact that possibility does none of that.

I may talk about this in another article, but in this one, I’d like to share my educated take on LOVE… and some other topics…

This friend has been calling me all week. He invented loving people. Suddenly he is calling me. And gushing… about love, loving me, blah blah blah.

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What is the difference between winners and losers?

Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life
– think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the
brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body,
be full of that idea, and just leave every other
idea alone. This is the way to success.

Swami Vivekananda

You need to enroll all …

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