No advice, no course, no program can give you everything…
… including my health consultation… unless…
What is this unless, that has been showing up in articles, for the past few days?
Unless you have a basic and accurate understanding of life, of health, or physics, of chemistry, of biology, of spirituality, no program is going to do much for you.
This is the main reason most programs have only a 1-10% results rate… Not because the programs a bad, but because the participants don’t know much of anything.
And I am talking about you.
Even if you are a reader… you don’t understand what you read, unless you have a basic foundation to understand what you are reading, to build a
I mostly hated it, especially when he is elaborating on his non-cult cult’s rules… ugh.
What is most striking in all the diet-cults, to me, is their ignorance of the fact that food, unless it is prepared in a tasty, mouth-watering way, isn’t nourishing for most people.
I had two health calls in the past two days, and both people ate in a cultish way, for health. What they shared are these:
Their essential nutrients were not fully supplied to the body, even though the foods they ate had them.
They ate according to someone’s idea of healthy eating.
Most people think that they are honest people. Some others know that they lie about this and that.
What they don’t know is that they live on the top of a huge iceberg of lies, delusions, pretenses, but they can only see the tip of the iceberg… unless.
This week was a line of demarcation for me, in more ways than one.
As I wrote in my last blog post, I got suckered into making some stupid self-serving changes on my site. I was lucky, I caught it before it went totally dead.
I have another word for allowing for you, that has always worked much better for me than the word allowing.
The other word is “having room for”…
You see, if you live in tight quarters, than everything that intrudes it, everything that you didn’t design to be there creates clutter, hinders you in your movement, cramps your style.
If you move into a larger house, that maybe even has a basement and an attic, and a few extra bedrooms, you have room for a lot of stuff… even for a lot of stuff that you neither need or want.
But you can afford the luxury to let those things be, you have them, they don’t have you… meaning they don’t have your goat.
Article truth value: 10%. Why so low: because the author doesn’t know about the fact that all food is toxic to some level to people whose ancestors did not adjust to that food, and develop counter measures.
Also there is a lot of Tree of Knowledge in the suggestions. I’ll add my notes where I can.
Leaky gut syndrome is a rapidly growing condition that millions (about a billion according to my muscle testing) of people are struggling with and don’t know it.
This article starts out very philosophical. If you can’t stand that, jump to here…
What is health?
No one has defined it yet, because just like “good” was until Dr Robert Hartman came along to define it, existed only in a context of good this or good that.
Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article
What Robert Hartman said is that good is that which fulfills completely its design. That which is most fully itself.
Meaning: Following THAT Star. The alternative is Meaningless
This is my quest: to follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far.
Humans are strange animals: they need meaning to make their lives to feel more than just existing. They need purpose to give a backbone, to give direction, to transform a life of prose to poetry.
But life is, in itself, empty and meaningless… so how do you find the meaning, how do you find the purpose?