Learned Helplessness: 50% of humanity is a wuss, a sissy… a cry-baby. In 1945 it was 7%… In Jesus’ time it was 1%

lazy-vs-learned-helplessnessLearned helplessness, this is today’s topic. The opposite of “Bring it on…!” Your life depends on which is your dominant attitude.

Which attitude will get you what you want?

No contest, I hope, learned helplessness will get you more of the same.

50% of the world’s population behaves like they can’t handle it. It is learned helplessness… it is not innate. But it feels innate…

But it is, in reality, a reflex built and initiated by parents, religion, school, and politi

Another way lack of humility screws with you

To be unattached is not to renounce the world. If you renounce the world you are attached to the world; otherwise why should you renounce it? What is the point in renouncing it if you are not attached to it? Only attachment renounces. If you are really non-attached there is no question of any renunciation.The Detached/Unattached ((I am starting to realize that a better name would be: Unattached… but then,

Happiness is a rope dance, walking a thin line. No wonder you are not happy… or how lack of humility is the big issue

Little more about humility… the cog in the wheel One detrimental functions of “lack of humility” as a capacity, is that you can’t change your mind about your past. My Playground program was about changing your mind by changing your … Continue reading → Related Posts: I got knocked conscious, I got knocked aware, and […]

What makes soap operas addictive? What are YOU hooked on?

got-its-hooks-in-youVery “interesting” experience. I watched the first year of Dexter, and although I wanted to watch all episodes, the first year was not addictive.

But I had a premonition about the rest of the series.

Made up by skilled television writers, I knew it was going to be something dangerous to my well-being.

Unneeded complications, many different side-story lines, all dramatic and irrelevant, all stories I would not watch Netflix for. But all of these side-stories had a claw as sharp as the tiny hooks of burr… of v

Can you be crying and be unphased? Does the White Lotus cry?

the white lotus, the symbol of being unphasedCan you listen to insults to your family, your god, your country and be unphased?

Can you watch death and grieving and be unphased?

I am unphased 91% of the time. Very few things pull me out of the equilibrium, where I need to recover so I can return to being well and unphased. All of them I self-created, none of them are real.

I cry a lot. I feel people’s grief, I feel centuries old sadness, I feel the pain of not being allowed to grow, or even to live.

I am re-reading an book about the story of a family, the Levis, through 800 years

More on joy, and how I am learning to have joy in my life

joy is an inside jobMy first foray, my first venture into joy or joyous is trying to figure out what joy is. After all we don’t know necessarily what words mean when it comes to feelings… do we. We, children, watch and learn… but in a world where what you see is a mask, what you see does not represent a feeling accurately, because the person isn’t feeling it, because the person is faking it, the looks don’t help.

My hunch is that joy is fabricated with the intention to cause craving for it, to cause an acute sense of the lack of it.

Actually, when I watch people who enjoy something, they

You don’t have to deserve something to be deserving

agnosticLet me ask you something: do you have to deserve a body? Did you have to deserve to be able to read?

No. Deserving is much more basic, and much more profound than that kind of deserving, which would equate the word with earning.

Earning is a mercantile world’s word: it measures your work, or your merchandise against the asking price… earning.

But deserving is different, regardless how crazy that word drove me when I was a kid. My kid brother whining that he deserved whatever he was whining about.

I didn’t think I deserved anything, so he asserting that he de

Liar liar pants of fire

redpill.bluepillSome people lie more than others. But all people lie… Lying by commission and lying by omission.

Facebook is nauseatingly full of lies and liars. You lie to your loved ones and you lie to yourself. You lie because it seems the kind thing to do, you lie because it is no big deal… but it is… to your inner self… and then you pay the price. This article explains how.

It’s obviously not my article… but it will do…

The Law of Honesty

Recognizing, accepting, and expressing our authentic in

The Law of Action


There is a huge misunderstanding that most of you are the victim of: thinking that you need to be ready to do something, that you need to get rid of fear or discomfort to do something.

One of my clients is dealing with an issue. To solve the issue, I asked him to talk to people in the same kind of business as his, to pick their brains what to do in the winters when there is no snow… i.e. there is no business, no revenue… and he still has to pay his employees.

He is afraid. I get that. But he is not doing wha

No flying for you… Got it.

do-not-try-to-teach-a-pig-to-singDecember 10, 2015… the saddest day in my life.

I see, finally, what is happening.

I see that the time for my work hasn’t come.

I see that what is important to you is to integrate into society, into your family, into your relationship, make money the way you are supposed to… no rocking the boat.

I see that your main problem, coming here, was that you didn’t quite fit in.

I don’t know why I didn’t get it earlier. I don’t know why I didn’t think that you just want to get rid of what was unhappy about y