How to stop rotting away at home

Jordan Peterson: His vibration is 170. The truth value of what he says is about 10%. That is not as bad as it sounds, the truth value of your knowledge is less than 1%, so who are you to judge?

Anyway, 170 is not bad, and some of the things he does with what he has is quite brilliant. One of the capacities is to find patterns in disparate dominions and connect them.

Watch his body language… it is mighty difficult to hold it together…

It is definitely worth watching.

I am curious what you hear… so if you feel generous, let me know what you heard, for yourself. OK?

It’s even worth watching twice

This is the ancient “science” that underlies the shotgun/lottery/chasing mirages approach to life you practice, and the process driven approach I teach.

Where do I teach it? In every article. In every course of mine. In every webinar. In my coaching…
If you hoped to find the answer in just one post… you

What is the truth about the 10 dark years, 10,000 hours and 10,000 experiments

If investing 10 years in service of learning a profession, learning an art would make you a winner… then there would be a lot of winners. A lot more than there are…

There must be something more that most people don’t know or don’t do…

…and neither do or know their mentors, their trainers, their managers, their teachers. (( I am watching, currently, a South Korean series, Misaeng, about a boy who is proof to what I

Why increasing your overall intelligence aka vibration will pay off in spades?

Billionaires are rare creatures.

One of the things you can learn about them is this: they could have become billionaires in almost any business. Not just the one they actually did.

I mean it. But they chose the business they chose, and they chose given what they saw.

One thing the non-billionaires share is that they can see less and less clearly than billionaires.

Their view is cluttered with memes… and remember that memes are words that block you from seeing, block you from even looking…

So we could safely say, that billionaires see more memes for what they are… rules invented by someone else…

…while you see can’t see that all memes, all ideas, all thoughts are rules someone else invented for you to sta

More on the latticework on which you hang new knowledge to become worth a damn

Latticework can be likened to a Christmas Tree.

I once had a boy friend who bought tree ornaments as gifts every Christmas. Even to people who didn’t have a tree… ;-/

One of the barriers to real knowledge, I have found in my students, is compartmentalizing.

The opposite of compartmentalizing is the integrative approach…

I first saw this phenomenon in 1988, when i first read the famous book, What Color Is Your Parachute.

The core of that book is completely wasted on 99% of the readers. The core that talks about portable, transferable skills.

The reason people don’t get it, because they cannot see the integrative aspec

Should you become a client? Would I even accept you as a client?

For decades one of my sore spots was that people refused to serve me, even though I paid them.

I remember saying to myself: my money is not good enough for you? and wept.

I had no idea how I “accomplished” that… in 20/20 hindsight it is still a little spotty.

What wasn’t clear to me, never even occurred to me, how my attitude effected the service provider. My “To what degree you think of yourself:” starting point measure was, at the time, 70%. From my behavior I would have guessed it was higher.

Mainly I overrode what they said. I argued, I knew better, I acted with contempt…

What I didn’t know then is that being a service provider needs to be a win, or no service.

A customer who is not happy is a

Can’t see the forest for the trees? You probably don’t like math… What is astuteness?

Distinction vs examples One of the reasons you are not as astute in life is because you can’t see the forest for the trees. But why? Seeing patterns is a higher function of the brain, and needs to be developed and nurtured. I call this astuteness, or the using the astute capacity. Everyone’s brain is […]

Your life and principles…

This article is stream of consciousness… I apologize for that. Principles are tricky. Depending on your level of vibration, on the size of your cone of vision, on the number and size of patterns you can see, you’ll translate the … Continue reading “Your life and principles…” Related Posts: Principle guided life… OK… but what […]

Where there is anger there is a lie underneath…

How your integrity, or the lack of it is one of the keys to your raising your vibration, or not raising it… Yesterday we had a last session of the course, From Upset to Communication. The call was nearly all …

The invisible distinction that defines your consciousness

We look at life through the space we locate ourselves in. When you go home for the holidays, you have a space inside which you interact with your mother. You have a space inside which you interact with your father, … Continue reading

How to Develop Emotional Intelligence… what do psychologists say?

This article shows the state of official science for emotional intelligence.

Psychologists are not interested in the groundbreaking work developed in the books Feelings and Words…

Although when you can already recognize your feelings,  their inner dynamics, what they want you to do, what trap you my have stepped, unwittingly, the advice below is quite good.

Until then I don’t think it’s useful… Or may not be useful.

Even though emotional intelligence is really important to live a good life, to have good relationships, to get things done, to be well… for all of life.

OK, here is the article from Wikihow

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to tap into your emotions and use them to make your life better. Being in touch with your feelings allows you to manage stress levels and communicate effectively with other people, two skills that enhance your life both personally and professionally. Unlike IQ, which remains constant throughout your life,