Does it matter whether this Universe with you in it is a hologram or not?
Great question, isn’t it? I am very proud of myself for asking it.
But if I get an answer, and I go “yes”, unless I find out what exactly I asked that was answered, I am as dumb and assuming as I was before I asked the question.
So, what way can it matter whether this/you are a hologram or not?
As a context… inside which we live this life of struggle…
Had I asked you a different question: does it matter whether there is a god or not, you would have, already ready, your opinion.
I am reading a book ((Return to the brain of Eden by Tony Wright and Graham Gynn. Truth value: 7%. Careful, that means 93% b.s. If it is such low truth value: why am I reading it? Because, as you’ll see later in this article, I can tell truth from falsehood, because I read with my right brain, I can get from the book what I need, and none of the b.s. You can’t… yet.
I just started the book, but my hunch, at this early on is that what they say about food is what’s off… )) that says that humans used to be able to live from their right-brain, meaning they were a lot more intelligent.
With some movies I ponder for years why I liked it.
One of these movies is The Princess Bride. Why do I love The Princess Bride? Why do I watch it a few times a year, especially when my energy level is low?
Because, for me, the movie is about persistence. It’s about working towards something remote and maybe even impossible, and yet…
There are a ton of amazing quotable sayings in that movie… here is one:
Buttercup: You mock my pain!
Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
I like everything in the movie, but get especially energized by the Spaniard. Afte
I intended to write a different article today, but this is too important to wait…
I had neurological issues this past few weeks. I started to be wobbly, words weren’t coming easily, easy words, and then to top it off, I was dropping an egg or two: they just slipped from my hand. Four eggs in one week… NEVER in 69 years. ((Parkinson’s Disease))
I started to muscle-test myself to find out what was the cause of this sudden onset of neurological issues.
The problem with “diagnosing” issues, nearly any health issue, is this:
You have habits, thought patterns, beliefs, practices that guarantee that your life will not change, especially won’t change for the better.
When you do a course, read a book, or talk to a coach, you want to do and change the most important thing about your life: drop 30 pounds, start a new business, or leave your husband.
You are unprepared.
You are like a medical student: you need to practice surgery on cadavers before you cut open your mother or father… translating for those that can’t see the forest for the trees: you need to develop the practices that are building blocks for a good life.
Changeability, adaptability is the secret of living a consistently good life… but changeability and adaptability depend on awareness. As your awareness grows in the four pillars of the good life, so your success and the quality of your life…
By the way, did you notice I didn’t say “learn about awareness…” but that is what you read? Right?
In the old Forum program, the Forum Leader came in, screaming at us, poor unsuspecting brand new participants: For you everything is the same as everything else.
It took me years to decipher that and see that it is true.
My site gets a lot of hits… people looking to find out how they too could become astute…
Astute people are happier, wealthier, more popular than others.
Of course they are looking for a quick fix to what the opposite of astute is: blindness, unawareness, cluelessness, being a bumbling idiot, or not being able tell their elbow from their ass.
I am not talking down at anyone… I was looking at myself to come up with those opposites.
We are clueless some of the time, most of us: most of the time.
I was lead to an old article of mine. Controversial, and I bet not very useful.
I wrote it four and a half years ago. I have grown a lot since then.
In the article I was attempting to guide you to detect truth value, estimate the vibration teachers and products… without muscle testing.
In the article I was making the same mistake I have been making, all my life: supposing that you can see patterns, that you can see behind the curtain, that you can see more than you actually can.
Emotional intelligence ((the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to han