What is an adult, what is a child… and does your ego-state (Child, Parent, Adult) influence how much money you have, how much love you have, how healthy you are? ((One of the distinctions, fields: what field is this interaction which we learned about a year ago, is closely related to Transactional Analysis ego states… very educational…))
In the starting point measurements I measure (#19) To what degree you have access to your adult capacities. ((1. your vibration (1-1000):
2. your overall intelligence, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, body, relationship, etc.:
3. the number of spiritual capacities you hav
We throw about big words, and we pretend that we know them. Even “scientists” just pretend. If they didn’t, they would be explaining, clarifying the words, but they don’t.
In the Starting Point Measurements the vocabulary number is what indicates this. I originally intended to call this clarity, but then I decided that if it refers to words, then maybe it can be instructive.
It hasn’t been.
So this article will be, mostly, about words.
Whenever we say conscious awareness, we are talking about words. No words, no conscious awareness.
Whatever you don’t have words for, whatever you mislabel, whatever you just have feelings or emotions about, no accurate words… are not conscious awareness.
Or here is another question for you: Who are you? If you asked back: What do you mean? you did the smart thing. Because the question: who are you? can be asked from so many vantage points, we can spend … Continue reading “Who do you like? Who do you love?”
This article will be deemed self-aggrandizing, or something of that sort… and I don’t care. Truth is truth…
I am 69 years old.
I have lived, this is a 20/20 hindsight, my entire life on the 13th floor. Two months ago I would not have said that: I didn’t know there is such a thing…
Having live there all my life: I am having a real tough time to say how I got there… because I never lived on the 14th or the 15th floor… the 13th floor is reality, based on your sensory organs, not on thought.
My brothers did live on the 14th floor. Both. My father also lived on the 13th floor. My mother didn’t.
The biggest difference, looking through my own eyes now, is the meanings. On the 14th
I have been saying in every article now that the 13th floor is a dynamic system.
Why dynamic? Because the feelings have direction, content, opinion… and they interact, pull, push, stop you…
Moving, changing, pulsing, etc.
Humans are not simple machines, and yet: every complicated machine is made up of many simple machines… and so are you. The more you allow the machine to inform you, the more fulfilling, the smoother, the more enjoyable life becomes, with you in the driver’s seat.
You know I am corresponding with the creator of the books, Feeli
Does it matter whether this Universe with you in it is a hologram or not?
Great question, isn’t it? I am very proud of myself for asking it.
But if I get an answer, and I go “yes”, unless I find out what exactly I asked that was answered, I am as dumb and assuming as I was before I asked the question.
So, what way can it matter whether this/you are a hologram or not?
As a context… inside which we live this life of struggle…
Had I asked you a different question: does it matter whether there is a god or not, you would have, already ready, your opinion.
Some of us, some of you deal with issues that step from physical issues.
for example, if your mother got pregnant while undernourished, especially in the 90 essentials, you may have developed a number of so-called genetic diseases… that are not genetic at all. Including dyslexia or some form of cognitive displacement issues.
Dyslexia is a brain issue, where certain specialized brain cells went to the wrong place.
Easier to see with an example: had your hand cells went to the wrong place, you would have a hand grown in the middle of your arm, not at the end of it.
Changeability, adaptability is the secret of living a consistently good life… but changeability and adaptability depend on awareness. As your awareness grows in the four pillars of the good life, so your success and the quality of your life…
By the way, did you notice I didn’t say “learn about awareness…” but that is what you read? Right?
In the old Forum program, the Forum Leader came in, screaming at us, poor unsuspecting brand new participants: For you everything is the same as everything else.
It took me years to decipher that and see that it is true.
Everyone is looking for the lost key under the lamppost… The Streetlight Effect ((The streetlight effect is a type of observational bias where people only look for whatever they are searching by looking where it is easiest.[1][2][3][4] The search itself may be referred to as a drunkard’s search.
Taken from an old joke about a drunkard who is searching for something he has lost, the parable is told several ways but typically includes the following details:
Most people think that they are honest people. Some others know that they lie about this and that.
What they don’t know is that they live on the top of a huge iceberg of lies, delusions, pretenses, but they can only see the tip of the iceberg… unless.
This week was a line of demarcation for me, in more ways than one.
As I wrote in my last blog post, I got suckered into making some stupid self-serving changes on my site. I was lucky, I caught it before it went totally dead.