We all have multiple personalities… How does your delusional self impact your life?

We all have at least two distinct and recognizable selves that we switch back and forth between.

In this article we’ll look at intelligence, but we could also look at the character, the attitude, the moral fortitude of the selves… but because I look at the world through the frame of smart and stupid, and only secondarily through loyal/disloyal, I’ll write this article on the intelligence level of your two selves.

Now, let me start with a statement: there is nothing wrong with being stupid. As long as you know and embrace that you are stupid.

Charly in Flowers for Algernon<

Your personal reality and reality… misaligned, misconstrued, faulty, no wonder you are miserable

We could safely say that your vibration number faithfully expresses the degree of alignment between your personal reality and actual reality.

Your personal reality is your map of reality.

You built your map of reality, what you think is out there, what you see out there, what you hear, taste, touch… filtered through your map of reality… you built that map through what you were told, and what you took from what you were told.

The average vibration on the planet, at this time, is 128. That is a 1% truth value, a 1% match between your personal reality and reality. It means that you don’t see 70% of what is out there. And what you see, the remaining 30%, you see it 70% wrong.

It’s sad but true in every area of your

What life did you choose in the first hour of your day? The Backdrop

being-firstEvery day works best if and when you have a context set in the first hour of the day. ((If you prefer the imprecise New Agey language of Esther Hicks, the original quote is here

Take the time to line up the Energy first, and action becomes inconsequential. If you don’t take the time to line up the Energy, if you don’t find the feeling place of what you’re looking for, not enough action in the world will make any difference.

She is trying to say the same thing. Trying.))

For most of you this is the same old, same old, because you put your attention to everything the same old way. I am not saying you should DO something different every morning, that is not what I am saying.

Doing different

Taking a break for rest… does it mean you are off-track? That you stopped?

life-testing-youI watched and followed the first Metabolic Prime workout videos.

He said something interesting that I want to expand on: resting is part of working out.

Now, I don’t know much about working out, but I do have some experience… This article won’t be about working out though…

I live on the top of a hill. When I moved here 13 years ago, I could walk down, around the hill, and up again, on a different street, in 12 minutes. I clocked it.

Today, due to aging, pain, and lack of exercise, it takes me 3-4 times longer. A big deal.

So when I signed up to the senior exercise class, I was praying that I could get back up the hill, on my own power… but took money with me for a cab for security.

This was thre

Are you healthy enough to have meaning to your life? Purpose?

This is my quest: to follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far.

Meaning: Following THAT Star. The alternative is Meaningless
This is my quest: to follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far.

Humans are strange animals: they need meaning to make their lives to feel more than just existing. They need purpose to give a backbone, to give direction, to transform a life of prose to poetry.

But life is, in itself, empty and meaningless… so how do you find the meaning, how do you find the purpose?

I was 38 years old when meaning first entered