I don’t want to change you into my vision of you. Rather, I want to motivate you into becoming the person you are capable of becoming.
– Life Mapping (Bill Cohen)
Display and existence. These are two Landmark distinctions.
As I am looking at my students, the biggest missing is not intelligence, not diligence, it is these two distinctions.
I am still doing the preparation series for the mapping your life, or lifemapping workshop: I want you to come and do the work, instead of listening to me doing teaching.
Every learning is 5% input, and 95% you doing what you need to do, practicing it, using it, putting it into action.
So this is what these distinction and the article about
Human DNA has 160 spiritual capacities hard-coded. These are the capacities that can and hopefully will take humanity to the “human being” level, (and beyond,) where beingness causes action, not greed and other survival energies. At present there are eight individuals on the human being level on the planet. I don’t know who they are… I know I am one of the eight. You need 60 active spiritual capacities to be on that level.
80 of these capacities is activated in the Second Phase Activator Course.
A “normal” human has 2-5 spiritual capacities active, helping them to grow, make money, get along with others and themselves. Be healthy, be wise, be happy. 2-5 is mighty few…
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine~Alan Turing
I watched yet another movie about Alan Turing and how his machine won the war against Nazi Germany.
I would not be around without him. And you would live a totally different life… The book (and the Amazon series) The Man in the High Castle approximates…
I am in awe. With what he did, with who he was, with genius winning, with goodness winning.
You have habits, thought patterns, beliefs, practices that guarantee that your life will not change, especially won’t change for the better.
When you do a course, read a book, or talk to a coach, you want to do and change the most important thing about your life: drop 30 pounds, start a new business, or leave your husband.
You are unprepared.
You are like a medical student: you need to practice surgery on cadavers before you cut open your mother or father… translating for those that can’t see the forest for the trees: you need to develop the practices that are building blocks for a good life.
The quality of your life depends on your overall intelligence… intellect, body intelligence, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, the ability to lie a full life, with a range of emotions, and to conquer difficulties, adversities successfully.
You are born with certain DNA defined potentials. No doubt about that. Your ancestry and its habits lead to your DNA being allowing and restrictive, and yet, all human capacities are encoded in your DNA… but what is not needed, what was not needed by your ancestors is dimmed out… “not needed”, Nature decided…
OK. I just spent about an hour destroying my vibration…
What I am willing to do for you?!
OK, what the f… happened, right?
Well, easy.
I got an email from Bill Harris of Holosync fame. The email is about a system that promises to activate your youngifying genes… your metabolically active tissues (????) and it takes only 60 minutes a week… short bursts of workout. ((Here is Bill’s email…
Here’s something for you if you’re struggling to lose weight, based on some quite interesting new research.
I keep up on the latest information regarding diet, health, and exercise, mainly because…
It is Saturday afternoon and Netflix is down… and half of the United States is scrambling, wondering what they should do with their lives. lol…
I have been downloading the Spiritual Energy that is available on this Day of Power, several times today, and it is the nicest energy I have ever encountered…
It’s not physical. It is all spiritual energy, the energy you need to grow, spiritually and as a person, the energy you need to engage in serious self-examination… So here is mine.
This is my “response”… more like reaction to nearly every task I need to do in my business.
I am not naturally and innately the surrendering type. I am fiercely independent, and I even abhor my own ideas that make me do something… almost anything.
My dominant mode is “avoid domination”…
Your dominant mode is predetermined in your soul correction, and one of your activities, throughout your lifetime, is to tame that beast… Oh, your dominant mode is like a beast that prevents you from climbing the tree of life, from raising your consciousness, raising your vibration.
So what could be YOUR dominant mode? Your dominant approach to life, other p