Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine~Alan Turing
I watched yet another movie about Alan Turing and how his machine won the war against Nazi Germany.
I would not be around without him. And you would live a totally different life… The book (and the Amazon series) The Man in the High Castle approximates…
I am in awe. With what he did, with who he was, with genius winning, with goodness winning.
Posted on November 26, 2016 by University
in Raise Your Vibration |
Tagged ability , ACT , action , activate , alone , amazon , animal , answers , appreciation , article , asking questions , avoiding , beautiful , behold , being , believe , bible , big picture , Blessings , blind , book , breath , bridge , capacities , caring , castle , charity , choice , christian , church , circumstances , conflict , consequences , context , conversation , cost , creator , culture , curiosity , dark side , day , dependence , desire , desire for the self alone , disciples , discipline , divine , divinity , doubt , dynamic , economy , effect , einstein , email , emotion , emotional , energy , essence , event , evil , evolution , example , eyes , face , fact , fear , feeling , feet , fighting , fixing , follow , gene , generous , genetic , genius , german , germany , god , Goodness , Grace , gratitude , group , groups , growing , growth , havoc , Heart , hearts , hellbent , high , higher authority , holidays , human , human being , humanity , Imagination , individual , individuals , inside , instructions , interpretation , issue , it , jesus , justice , Kabbalah , keep , kind , letters , level , lie , life , light , lines , living , love , machine , major , manifestation , matter , matters , meaning , meditation , moment , moral , movement , movie , names , nature , negative , negative people , Negative Thoughts , new age , open , Opponent , ordinary , original , original article , pain , participant , people , persistence , person , personal , phase , physical , physical manifestation , picture , place , positive , positive thinking , possibilities , power , present , pretense , price , pride , prison , process , proof , prophet , question , questions , quotes , real , reason , religion , research , resistance , right , risk , roy williams , rule , sadness , science , self , selfish , sense , series , share , sheep , should , signature , Simple , sin , skin , social , soul , source , speaking , species , spending , spiritual , standing , stranger , struggle , students , sucker , survival , teacher , teachings , the dark side , The Opponent , the self , the selfish gene , things , thinking , thoughts , thumb , time , tree , unless , values , vision , voice , watch , weapon , what happened , wholeness , winds , winning , word , words , working , world , Worse |