What or who makes the decisions in your life? About important things…

seneca quote for memesWhat or who makes the decisions in your life? About important things…

This question is long overdue.

It came up because of the conversation I was having with 10 of my best students.

How to be in the face of fear.

I bet you know that it takes courage to grow. Growth means growing into uncharted territory. For you, not uncharted in general, uncharted for you. Much like going to shop in the supermarket

I activate a new capacity… will it change your life?

AYJG8J StopwatchI activate a new capacity. If you used it, a whole new world would open up for you… But for you nothing happened… But what just happened?

When I activate a new capacity, you have an opportunity. You either take it or you don’t.

Opportunities come with a count-down-timer… They expire. That’s why the phrase says: window of opportunity…

You continue doing what you have always done, exactly the way you have always done it.

What happens? The opportunity closes. That’s it. Good bye.

There are 160 capacities that you could, potentially, activate.

I wa

An Atlantic article: What does ISIS really want?


What ISIS Really Wants

from the Atlantic

The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.

What is the Islamic State?

Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? The simplicity of these questions can be deceiving, and few Western leaders seem to know the answers. In December, The New York Times published confidential comme

More on activating consciousness to guide you: what are the abilities you use for that?

value-idea-usingIt is human nature to want to be smart. The feeling is: the smarter you are the better life will be.

But being smart from the mind isn’t very smart, except to the people who put the stuff in your mind.

In my readings about different cultures, the Chinese culture is a good example of that kind of smart. For hundreds and hundreds of years, the Chinese has been encouraged to repeat, not think.

For two years I had three Chinese students live next door: no thinking, no emotions, was my experience. If any emotions were felt by me, it was the emotions of visitors

What is the opposite of reaction; is it response? Prepare to be surprised…

This is a republished article from June 26, 2013… So please don’t get alarmed… this didn’t just happen. It happened long time ago. But the message is as timely as ever…

What is the opposite of reaction; is it response? Is it pro-active? Prepare to be surprised…

Gurus and even psychologists give lip service to not being reactive. They say it’s the ego’s way to take over your life. They suggest that you respond. They don’t know what they are talking about, and you, the client, suffer as a result.

Go read the rest of the article