OK, this is going to be mostly good news… Update is at the end… They want you to take probiotics forever. But in my experience, you will need probiotics to establish a perfect match flora for the food list you eat. Or, when for whatever reason, you make quick and substantial changes in your eating … Continue reading “The truth about probiotics – Updated”
OK, this is going to be mostly good news… They want you to take probiotics forever. But in my experience, you will need probiotics to establish a perfect match flora for the food list you eat. Or, when for whatever reason, you make quick and substantial changes in your eating habits. Each macro nutrient, carbs, […]
My health number is at 60%. I am not healthy. Yet. I know you expect me to be healthy, given that I give you health advice. But what qualifies me to give health advice is not my current number. It’s … Continue reading →
Rarely, (hailing mostly from other countries,) I find people who have all the 90 daily essential nutrients supplied in their diet. Amazing.
Now, the craze of taking supplements, the MLM (Network Marketing) type of sales systems gets to these people through friends and family, and they start taking “designer” supplements, and suddenly they don’t feel well.
They are entering the Western world’s unhealthy habit of trying to fix something that is not broken.
Having your 90 daily essentials checked by me is an amazing idea because it informs you AGAINST all the hype, what it is that you need, and what it is that you don’t.
Article truth value: 10%. Why so low: because the author doesn’t know about the fact that all food is toxic to some level to people whose ancestors did not adjust to that food, and develop counter measures.
Also there is a lot of Tree of Knowledge in the suggestions. I’ll add my notes where I can.
Leaky gut syndrome is a rapidly growing condition that millions (about a billion according to my muscle testing) of people are struggling with and don’t know it.
I have been experimenting. I have also been muscle testing what supplement to take, for 2-3 weeks now. Before I only muscle tested some minerals but took, every night, the stuff that helps me poop.
To my surprise, the muscle test didn’t agree with my habits: Intestinal Formula to move my bowels…
Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12791/new-health-article-on-my-other-blog-your-digestion-and-your-mood/