Tell me your problems and I’ll know the size of your life…

offended-3When your life is about you… when your life is about others… when your life is about ideas.. these are different sizes of a life you can have. In this article we’ll examine the effects of these levels on your peace of mind, level of fulfillment, the quality of your life.

We’ll start with me… and my experience.

In 1988 January 1, around 3 minutes after the ball dropped on Times Square, I declared something that ultimately turned my life around.

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Then periodically, since then, I made declarations in a similar vein, that clarified and solidified that historical declaration in 1988.

My original de

You can have anything but not at the same time

4 door sports car: being a winnerLife, happiness, well-being, prosperity is achieved and maintained only on a narrow and hemmed-in path (the strait), the opposite of what you wish it were, the opposite you see others have, the opposite you see on television, on ads.

You have been duped. You have swallowed the lie, hook, line and sinker and you have been paying the price.

Your life is empty, purposeless, meaningless, and you have nothing to look forward to.

Last night I was pondering, instead of sleeping, ((which is quickly becoming my new habit, I mean not sleeping,)) what is the behavioral, emo

Why do spiritual capacities turn off when they turn off? Do you have the correct answer?


Needing it

I have a student whose company moves earth. That is their business. Parking lots, roads, leveling the ground.

Unless you have a clear picture, a clear and accurate mental representation of what a job entails, you can’t bid successfully on it: you may lose your shirt if your mental representation was off. ((The doctor’s mental representation of the state of my injured ear was neither clear nor accurate, and therefore his suggestions to me were way off the mark. This was the topic of my article yesterday…))

Activism, reforms, revolution…

demostration, reforms, revolution, protestDid you know that every revolution has been, historically, just a re-shuffling of who is going to have power over who?

When I first read Osho’s book, Rebellion, Revolution and Religiousness, I actively worked on understanding.

In Hungary we learned a lot more history than American students, and I personally have seen revolution, and reform and all that never changed anything on the long run.

A lot of people repeat Osho’s words: he is very eas

Vibrational Review: Carol Tuttle

Vibrational Review: Abundance Practitioner Carol Tuttle

MindValley is a shrewd company, riding the wave of fear, riding the wave of desperation.

First this year, Christie Marie Sheldon and her Unlimited Abundance course, then T. Harv Eker, again, millionaire b.s., and now Carol Tuttle’s new course on MindValley on Wealth attraction.

Go read the rest of the article

Lack of confidence? Difficulty to trust yourself? This article is a must read if you want to become confident!

Lacking confidence?
Summary: An enlightened being is confident. Confident in their ability to be a match to whatever life throws at them, and therefore they don’t fret, don’t sit around, they do what it takes to achieve what they set out to achieve.
A confident person can do almost anything….

Go read the rest of the article

How to develop the capacity to ask intelligent questions that also alter your reality?

Yesterday I had a long conversation with one of my students. I suddenly had an insight into soul correction, that had been hidden from my view before.

How did I get to that insight? I asked different questions.

Asking different questions is one of the missings for you. On the level of human, this is ultimately the most important factor that the lack of it is holding you back from “ascending” to the next level of evolution where you can create your state of being at will.

Our upbringing, our education, our culture, our society, does not like questions. Especially different questions. Poking questions.

Go read the rest of the article

Updated: Soul Correction: Fearless

Fear is an issue. It’s universal. You have it, I have it. You have to have it. It is the 200,000 year old hardware… where your life was lived out in an environment where everything was a threat to your survival.

Today’s fears are the same, except today the threats to your survival are missing… and yet, the fears continue.

Your path to the next level of evolution, Human Being, is the beingness of fearless… where you consider fear a necessary evil, and you take it with you wherever you go, big and small, safe or dangerous, like you would take a child with you who needs your support.

If you think you need to deal with the fear, you need to silence the fear, stop the fear, fix the fear BEFORE you can do anything, then you’ll never go anywhere… And that is the predictable place where you are, if this is your soul correction.

Here starts the original article:


Republished: There Are 3 Categories Of Gurus Mirrored In The Three Types Of Seekers. Locate yourself by identifying your guru’s type. Clarity is power!

[This article needs further editing for clarity]

There are three categories of gurus and three types of seekers:

Category 1. The Hopeful Path: Naive, pliable, hopeful. Hoping that what you are doing is going to take you out of the misery: having feelings, and a constant battle inside between the aspects of a human being, each pulling in a different direction.They really really really want to be enlightened! Really… lol. But they know they aren’t. There is shame and guilt and sadness in their emotions, and often anguish: the fear of being caught.Ultimately you “do” this spirituality stuff to get away from being human.You fail. There is no escape… you are human, with all that comes with that territory.You are doing it all to fix a problem, and all solutions will become the next and bigger problem. You cannot fix being human… and that’s a problem for yo