Are you still looking into your stupid machine to tell you what to do?

Your mind, your stupid machine, has no direct knowledge about reality. It has no concern, no regard to reality… It has in it what the memes have programmed it to have… 1% reality, 99% b.s. And your mind is, therefore, your worst friend. It is killing YOU and it is killing your life… sometimes slowly, sometimes really fast. ((People, books, videos that talk about mind power are on the Dark Side. They are no friends of yours: they are working for the Mind. And you are too stupid to know.))

Every Tuesday I read my email to find my weekly horoscope, and here it goes… again. Setting a context for my life, a context I could have never dreamed up myself… Rob Brezsny and his weekly horoscopes I would not want to miss.

You are in the bull’s ear… You live in the bull’s ear

Parents want to help, but instead they push you deeper into the bull’s ear.

The expression, came from a student’s father, ((I found a meme that is running my life and I know where it comes from… wohooo.

“I have to prove: “what I know”, “what I can”, “that I am smart”, “that I work hard” etc. To show off.

As I can see it, this context was created by my father. As long as I remember he has been telling me this in Kurdish: “You are in the ears of the bull”. Meaning, not aware, not intelligent, do not amount for anything or being like a donkey.

No matter what I did, got a degree, was not dependent on them like my younger brother and sister, was one of the best in the military, started to make a living.


Emotional Intelligence: How learning what feelings are, what feelings do will help you live life as a human, instead of a puppet

Yesterday I was on the phone with a client.

Her soul correction is Fear/Fearless. In the conversation it was becoming obvious that she had read the book “Feelings”. I have been so excited about. So the conversation was on a more even footing that most of my conversations: she has been paying attention and recognizing at least some of the dynamics the feelings have, and has been managing her fear quite well.

Buy the book “Feelings” Show proof of purchase for a pdf… you’ll need it. It’s hard to see the illustration on Kindle…

You have always wanted to get out of your head. You tried meditation

The Juice Exercise: what gives you “juice” in life?

what-makes-life-juicyI have been coaching people for many years now. The goal was always to take people on a journey to become their best Self.

Now, the task is easier when someone knows who they are. When someone has a Self.

Most people don’t. They have a persona for each group they interact with, the family persona, the student persona, the friend, the gossiper, the entertainer, the this and the that.

Those personas (roles you play) are not you. They were created by a perceived demand in the circumstances, a perceived demand in the environment.

They leave you empty, they leave you being jerked by the

The poisonous tree that you are… and what you can do about it…


“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” —Marie Curie, Our Precarious Habitat

The “What’s The Truth About You” workshop series is kicking off this afternoon.

As usual I haven’t done any preparation: I never do. I like my life, my teaching fluid. Freezing it would be to ignore guidance, stop growing, and start becoming a sculpture on a pedestal.

I slept well last night. I had a ton of guiding dreams. All about what I am trying to do

What is the true stumbling block preventing you from going from A to B?

stumbling-blockI have been wrong.

I have been wrong in thinking that humility is the ultimate stumbling block. It seems that humility can help the mind withdraw from the “I don’t need to hear this I already know everything” stance, and allow you to learn, and use your other faculties.

But I can now see, that without courage first activated, present and in working order, humility won’t be accepted, because it takes courage to get out of the mind.

I hate that this is so… after all I spent so much time attempting to activate humility, with no success.

So we are down to courage…

What is courage really?
