I had an interesting insight yesterday: you don’t know what it feels like to have courage available to you.
When you apply courage, it just feels like you are doing what you are doing, what you were afraid of. Normal.
Which indicates to me, that courage is a paradigm-shifter.
Paradigm is like a glass ceiling. A one-side mirror. When you are in a higher paradigm, you can see what is below you, but if you are still in a lower paradigm, you cannot see what’s above. In fact you don’t know there is something, anything.
The pursuit of happiness pushes happiness away, like a snow plow pushes snow
I find myself more often than not, in complete sync with my favorite people, one of them is Roy H. Williams, the Wizard of Ads, famous ad man with a whole school of like-minded amazing expert, and thousands of students.
Roy H. Williams is a Christian, and that bothers me, but it’s the concept that bothers me, not the man. He writes about the subject I have been pursuing on this blog for the past week or so… so here is his piece from today’s Monday Morning Memo.
So you want to feel special?
We are all special, if special means, as special as our thumbprint… But that special is not enough for you, is it?
You want to be SPECIAL… as in special talent, outstanding, mind boggling, awesome, the best.
In this article I will shed light to an important…
Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12962/special-3/
You may be one of the many people that find it hard to pinpoint what would be the best use for your life… what direction your life’s purpose lies. This article dives into that, and also into how to get rid of wasting your life away.l