I am getting more and more insights about The Sight activator that activates the capacity to see the consequences of your actions.
People, you, don’t trust themselves. They don’t believe, they don’t trust that an aspect of them, the Consciousness, sees things they didn’t see, heard things they didn’t hear.
How does that happen?
When you are busy doing other things, or being angry, for example, the Consciousness isn’t
One of the beingnesses you could take on is curiosity.
I know you think you know what it is, but consider that you have no clue.
You know asking for answers. That is not the curiosity I am talking about, that is a strategy to wrap up life in a neat package, so there are no more questions… Not what I am talking about.
Then there is the curiosity you shower celebrities with…
The curiosity that brought you to this site… checking out my reviews of gurus and such… nay, that is gossipy curiosity… comparing, no real curiosity is in it.
No, curiosity does not make you ask questions, does not make you look up answers on website, curiosity is a deep yearning… but of course, If I tell you what it is, you’ll think you know it…
So I won’t… Just consider that curiosity so much out there that it really serves for a far out point, just like my magnificent.
And you can not tire of it for a whole life, hell, several lifetimes, it’s s
I just finished a Talk-to-me call. It’s a call available for people on my mailing list, where they can ask any questions and get answers, coaching, whatever they need. The call was a breakthrough in a lot of ways.
First off, I distinguished for myself, for the second time, that unless I fall in step with the person I coach, they can’t get what I am saying as contribution and cannot act on it.
Falling in step with music is obviously fun. Falling in step with a drum circle is fun. But falling in step with another person is a challenge. But unless you do, discord is the result.
One of the questions I hear on the Talk-to-Me calls or in emails is how to “make it better” or what is good, etc.
It’s all a comparison, past based, from the mind.
One thing, disappointment ((the feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one’s hopes or expectations.
“to her disappointment, there was no chance to talk privately with Luke”
synonyms: sadness, regret, dismay, sorrow; More
dispiritedness, despondency, distress, chagrin;
disenchantment, disillusionment;
displeasure, dissatisfaction, disgruntlement
“his disappointment in the outcome was obvious”
You get angry, you get frustrated, you get anxious, you get jealous… you name it, the emotions pop up and you have nothing to do about them.
But… and this is a BIG but: A normal emotion comes and goes, like clouds on a windy day. Com and go… sunny, cloudy, sunny, cloudy.
Emotions and feelings are energies, and energy’s nature is to move. If they don’t, you have the static electricity thing going: and because energy MUST move, it will explode… like lightening.
You just have to hold onto the emotion by resisting it.
Warning: this article is a little sloppy… in time I’ll clean it up. I just wanted to get it out. Enjoy.
We tend to see the same thing over and over. It is called: already always listening. Or sometimes it is called “a seeming”. And yet other times it is called prejudice.
Whether it is there or not doesn’t depend on your vibration. What depend
A student of mine lives in the same town as I do and for a while he used to drive me around to do errands.
Then I realized that it made him feel entitled to insult me on calls, so I put an end to that arrangement.
That was about two months ago.
He sent me a few emails offering rides, etc.
We even spent a few good times doing “exploring your own neighborhood” type of things, like visiting lakes and such.
Every email that he sends emphasizes that he is giving me something, asking me what I need… etc.
I stopped wanting anything.
I don’t want him to give me anything any more. I experience a feeling akin to hate or anger rising in me every time I think of him.
My regular driver is taking a break: she works at the New York State Fair for a few days, and I am driverless. I need stuff. But I won’t ask my student for help because of what I want to share with you.
If you are a perpetual and compulsive giver, you think that you are a good person, don’t you? Am I corre
One of the horrible things I experience, often, is that people never ask: “why should I care?”
Why that is horrible? Why that is disappointing?
Because that question would show that the pilot light of intelligence is not completely extinguished in you. You have never asked that question? Now you know what it means.
Back in 1977, shortly after I won my first architectural competition, and therefore was wealthier than most people I knew, I fell ill: my sinuses put me to bed with high-high fever. I could not sleep 24/7, so I turned to a book, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World ((Some quotes:
Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.
An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.
Maybe this world is another planet’s hell.
)). At some point I had a revelation: The society I lived in, the ideology I believed in, was beautiful, except that it worked for no one, no person living in it. It