Case Study #7: Theta Healing

Theta Healing is ‘Da Bomb.’ Of all the modalities I have tested and measured and used, this is the one that actually connects YOU to the Creator, which means, it is up to you to what level of vibration you are willing to go. No go-between, no guru to follow, no trips to spirit and entity land, no animal spirits… no, you connect to the Creator, and you experience going home. The modality vibrates near 800, because it doesn’t put anything between you and the Creator, not even itself.

Case Study #8: Radical Undoing and other breathing programs

Controlled breathing changes your physiology. It can help calm you down, clear your mind, and change the brain wave frequency both during and shortly after the breathing exercise. It is like flossing: it doesn’t effect you permanently, and it does not effect the unconscious mind. It is a great practice, and I recommend it to anyone. Few have the discipline to keep it up though

The Daily Connection

I have scheduled a bunch of short webinars, daily, to support you in connecting. The webinars are called the Daily Connection webinars. They are at 10 am weekdays, 11 am Sundays, NY time.

How Did It Go On The 27th? Have The Thousand Years Of Peace Begun? Happy New Year!

Confession time: When I scheduled the Event on the 27th, I promised to check people on the call if they connect, really. And I also promised that I was going to know if they are getting the download or not. I had never done it in groups. In effect, I promised something I didn’t know if I can actually deliver. On some level I knew, but I didn’t have any evidence.

From My Correspondence: On Synergy, On Guidance, On Power, On Being A New Jesus Christ

Most people I talk with on the phone. I have hundreds of hours of audios of my phone conversations. One day I’ll publish them. But this correspondence was in email: it’s a simple copy and paste, and you can learn from it

Follow up on Abraham Hicks, following the death of Jerry Hicks

Follow up on Abraham Hicks, following the death of Jerry Hicks Esther’s personal vibration: 170 (above anger, under pride) teaching’s vibration: 185 truth level (integrity): 200 Follow up on Abraham Hicks, following the death of Jerry Hicks is a post from: Connect To Source: Raise Your Vibration

Vibrational Reviews: lots of people… readers’ request

jack canfield 299 nan hui-chib 195 ole gabrielsen personal vibration: 500 modality: 280 richard gordon (quantum touch) personal vibration: 240 Quantum touch: 300 spring forest qigong 350 vicky anderson (the awakening) personal vibration: 200 barbara hand clow: 200 barbara marciniak: 200 bill bodri: 170 carlos kastaneda 395 chunyi lin 300 deepak chopra 495 Dolores Cannon 195 edgar cayce 230 effie chow 395 Gary Douglas 190 Vibrational Reviews: lots of people… readers’ request is a post from: Connect To Source: Raise Your Vibration

Kabbalah, the Bergs’ version of Kabbalah, The Zohar, The Kabbalah Centre, Philip Berg, Karen Berg, Michael Berg, Yehuda Berg

Kabbalah, the Bergs’ version of Kabbalah, The Zohar, The Kabbalah Centre, Philip Berg, Karen Berg, Michael Berg, Yehuda Berg If you want to raise your vibration (raise your vibrational frequency) any modality under 500 is a poor choice. This includes religion, etc. Everything. Under 500…

The levels of self awareness… and your financial and relationship troubles Part 2.

Yesterday I had a marathon call with a student. It went almost three hours.

She paid for 15 minutes… and we only ended it after almost three hours, because she needed to use the bathroom and walk the dog… I was still ready to continue.

What made we want to talk to her this long?

The answer is obvious to me, but maybe not that obvious to you, so let me explain.

In every conversation you have the opportunity to observe yourself, and catch yourself in some machine-like reaction. Every time it’s a gift.

Go read the rest of the article