Now that your dominant belief is removed… Now what? What should you expect?

OK, let’s look first what you have been expecting? Because this dominant belief issue has been around for quite a while, and you probably blamed your lack of happiness, success, love, etc. on this dominant belief. You’ve wanted it for … Continue reading

How would you know if you are a sissy? And I don’t mean gay…

Humanity is declining… Are you part of the problem, or part of the solution? I read a paragraph in an article, online, I can’t seem to find the article any more. The article says that the United States became a … Continue reading

Teal Swan, John Assaraf, Omharmonics… review: should you follow them, learn from them?

Teal Scott aka Teal Swan aka Teal Bosworth must be making waves again… Frequency paintings automatically raising people’s vibrations? Or maybe people’s greed glands are swollen due to spring… So let me write an article that will, maybe once and … Continue reading

Raise your vibration. What should be your first steps?

You want to raise your vibration? Don’t know how to do it? I talk to at least ten of you, readers, every day, through email. The question is always: but what do I do to raise my vibration? The answer, … Continue reading

About Quantum Jumping… again

Quantum Jumping Quantum Jumping is a technique. Burt Goldman calls it a visualization technique, but I call it a connect to all-of-it, a confer with all-of-it technique. A technique to ask a question of an alternative self of yourself, that … Continue reading

What do attachments do to you?

The type of energetic attachments, put on you by witches and healers and sorcerers, I have, so far, distinguished (There are more, but I haven’t seen my way clearly around them. I can remove these attachments, but no distinctions yet…) … Continue reading

What Holds You Back… Part 2

what-holds-you-backNew: someone can put attachments on you, back on you? through their audio recordings. One of my readers, the first one I removed attachments/cords from, sent me a donation yesterday: do I have attachments on me? And she did… I … Continue reading

Republished: Feeling weak? Drained? Or weird? You may have a DS attachment that is sucking you dry

Reader question: Can your energy or vibration be “stolen” from you? If so, can you please point me in the direction of the person or thing that can help me protect my self? I used to be happy and friendly, … Continue reading

Carol Tuttle — more reviews

MindValley is coming out with a new course, by Carol Tuttle. I don’t know Carol Tuttle… but I want to make sure I know how to advise my readers, my students, my clients… should they spend their money and their … Continue reading

Vibrational reviews: Cat Yronwode, Catherine Yronwode, Daniel Biskind, Dianne Eble, Dr. Margaret Paul, Kris Cahill, lucky mojo, Sandra Bsikind

Dr. Margaret Paul,, lucky mojo,, Catherine Yronwode, Cat Yronwode, Sandra Bsikind, Daniel Biskind,, Dianne Eble,, Kris Cahill, Dr. Margaret Paul ( She specializes in innerchild and loving yourself. Margaret Paul: personal vibration: 200. Inner state: … Continue reading