What Will Happen When Earth’s Magnetic Poles Reverse?

geomag-reversal.jpgSome truth that is not that known, not that accepted, and yet it muscle test as truth and it explains some of what has happened to humanity, the life span, the water, and other thus far unexplained phenomena


According to Dr. Reams, originator of the Reams Biological Theory of Ionization, RBTI as the followers lovingly call it, the Earth has changed its polarity. Or maybe with the polarity shift the planet also changed in what direction it’s spinning..

Now, whether it’s true or not, I don’t know… because, the way I imagine, changing your spin involves having no spin for at least a second… but muscle test says that it is true.

If you are a healer, you want to read this…

I have students that are in the healing profession. When they first start with me, they are confused, stunned, and ask me if they should quit doing what they are doing. Their whole attitude, in that moment, reveals to me what is not working about their healing. Healing, much like

Distinctions: your access to the mysteries of the universe

Distinctions: your access to the mysteries of the universe Distinctions are like a hole punched into a yet solid wall. When you look through the hole, you see