Increase Your Confidence by Raising your Vibration As part of my effort to support you in realizing your potential with your new fully activated self, I recommend that you watch this Star Trek, The Next Generation episode: you’ll be surprised how similar the phenomenon in this old movie is to what happens in real life once you are activated. The only difference is: this is permanent. The one in the movie was temporary. Enjoy. part 1 http://youtu.be/llvQmkXMhSE part 2 http://youtu.be/GmTauFm-HkI part 3 http://youtu.be/X7zg8QHefSo part 4 http://youtu.be/6eqeTkyoXNA part 5 http://youtu.be/ICZO_Gt2uBw When you increase your vibration, you’ll see a significant increase of intelligence, grace, harmony, a certain sense of invulnerability and certainty