Why you feel how you feel and what can you do about it?

doggie-languageMost people live in a constant “this is not right… this is not where I am supposed to be, this is not how I am supposed to be, this is not what I am supposed to do” jerky place.

It seems inevitable, it feels bad, and all of it is based on delusions, pretenses, and lies.

Obviously you can’t see your delusions. That is your “reality”.

  • But… if you don’t feel good, if you don’t see clear, if you don’t have a 360 degree view of the world in most issues… they you can be sure you have delusions.
  • and… if you don’t go for growth, learning, profound well-being, fulfillment, expertise… they you can be sure your life and actions are based on delusions.

Quantum Physics says: reality is what you believe it to be… And belief is a choice

life-is-beautiful2Sometimes I get really lucky. And if I am ready, prepared, open, and eager for the gift, I can get it, harvest it, and life becomes brighter, by a lot. Clearer… by a lot.

This is what happened to me this morning.

I got up at 5:20. The other option was to sleep another hour and a half… and oversleep… So I got up. Better sleep less than more (read my Depression article to see why.)

Chilly morning… sweater and pants, big glass of Energized Water… I am ready for my email… And no, I don’t stretch, I don’t exercise, I don’t meditate… I go to my email and connect. Connect to All-of-it and to my people.

The first email is from a woman who is disappointed in me because I didn’t provide

The two types of “getting things done” systems… and what people really do

To-Do List Tasks Clipboard Checkmark Words Remember GoalsI have always liked getting things done. Why? Because everything that doesn’t get done is like an energetic attachment, like a ball and chain on your ankle, slows you down, and prevents you from soaring… having a good time, feeling free and unencumbered.

I don’t like those feelings, so I learn, test, experiment with methods that allow me to be free.

I even like to be lighter in weight because I don’t like to be heavy in any way, including physically.

I handle problems, issues, doubts, the same way… handle them so the weights can disappear.

Nicht Normale… as my parents used to say. Not your normal child… lol. And not your normal adult.

What is another word for allowing? How does it make you live in abundance


allowing-room-forI have another word for allowing for you, that has always worked much better for me than the word allowing.

The other word is “having room for”…

You see, if you live in tight quarters, than everything that intrudes it, everything that you didn’t design to be there creates clutter, hinders you in your movement, cramps your style.

If you move into a larger house, that maybe even has a basement and an attic, and a few extra bedrooms, you have room for a lot of stuff… even for a lot of stuff that you neither need or want.

But you can afford the luxury to let those things be, you have them, they don’t have you… meaning they don’t have your goat.

You let them be… that is what hav

I’ll sell you my secret weapon – Updated

dishwasher_reallyThe Big Bundle of energies other people sell piecemeal… I am going to sell you as a bundle.

We all hear and read about energy healing, but most of that healing doesn’t work or it’s disappointing.

But here is an energy tool that works… Really.

The story

I first heard about Mr. T., the ugly Indian energy master, from my client and massage therapist… She raved about how he caused cows to give more milk and trees to bear more fruit. In addition to healing people.

Bull shit, I thought, but didn’t say it.

Then when this Mr. T offered an inexpensive sample session to try his transmissions, I paid my $20 to try it. The session was two hours of testimonials, and 2 minutes

Why should you believe me? Why should you learn from me?

steve-jobsI have been a spiritual, raise-your-vibration teacher for a while… and when someone asked what qualified me to teach, I could say that the fact that I did it myself, and went from a vibration of 185 to 930, consciously and with my eyes open.

Now, having done that is fine and dandy… but can I teach it? Good question.

But let’s look at another area: health.

At some point I got really clear that unless you have energy to do the work, unless you have coherence to do the work, unless you are well enough… I can’t help you much.

But I had a problem, an integrity issue: I myself wasn’t well enough to prove to you that I kno

Read it again: Case study: Attachment removal and what YOU can learn from it

I started to offer attachment removal this past week Last year. This is one I did today… and I am sharing it with you because there is a great lesson in it, especially if you read Osho’s words I also … Continue reading → Related Posts: How do you get an attachment? Why some people […]

More vibrational reviews: is she an empath? is she a psychic? is she a witch? Rose Rosetree a second view

A client had his attachments pulled in March. He came back after seven months for a checkup. His vibration dropped 60 points. I checked him for attachments, and he had nine, two of them healer attachments. These are the people … Continue reading

Review of Gary Douglas and Access Consciousness… Scam? cult?

There are things worse than being scammed.

Being scammed leaves you with less money, with less time, but what is worse than that is if you participate with Access Consciousness…

You’ll be left with an energetic attachment, like a spigot, through which you can be mind-controlled, and made to dance to this cult’s rhythm.

I discovered it by accident. As you know, one of the special services I offer is removing energetic attachments.

Each attachment belongs to some type of attachment, like a weed can be recognized.

Most attachments are relatively benign, just like a chink in your armor, or a hole in your energy body, but some attachments are self-replicating, and infectious.

Tools to remove Dark Side attachments yourself

sorcerer-overloadThis article gives you some tools that you can use to remove the Dark Side attachments you unwittingly gathered through curiosity, greed, or desire to heal. If I refused to remove your attachments, this is what I can offer to … Continue reading