Take back the Light! Go to one person today, with whom you’re having trouble seeing eye to eye, and tell them (in a proactive manner) something they are right about.
The more difficult it is to confront the person, the more Light you will reveal. Now, go get back your Light that you are giving to other people!
This is a Kabbalistic way to say: you’ve been giving away your power to everyone you are “incomplete” with.
Incomplete means that there is some charge on something that happened, they did, they said, or didn’t do, didn’t say. The bigger the charge, the more of YOUR light is trapped there.
That was printed on the front of my T-shirt in 1991 at the Communication Commando Course… a week long Landmark Education program.
What was that about?
Here is the story.
In the course, on the 2nd day, if I remember correctly, we were talking about your “default” albeit hidden way of communicating. We formed small groups of five, and we looked at each other and made up a little statement of what we thought the person was communicating under their usual facade.
One guy in our group had the statement: “It doesn’t compute,
This article reveals the tip of a significant iceberg.
Icebergs are huge chunks of ice, shaped like a pyramid. The tip of that pyramid shows above the water level, the rest of the iceberg is underwater wreaking havoc. ((The other way to illustrate this is by looking at a duck… calm, collected, smooth… but under the water level the legs of the duck work feverishly. ))
With most things in life, the invisible part, what is under the water level is what works against you, unless you bring
People make the changes, the tiny, near invisible changes in what they see, what they do, how they do it, because it is their choice. ((In health, wealth, love, and fulfillment.))
What does this mean?
When you make a change because you saw that you needed to, then that change can become permanent. It becomes part of who you are.
Today (9/29/2016) I saw something I did not see before… And it surprised me, and filled with compassion.
The seed level, the dominant belief of this soul correction is that something inherently wrong with them, and that they are worthless.
Of course it is not the truth, it’s a dominant belief you are born with… I have traces of it, and my soul correction is “Forget Thyself”… and every achievement, every accomplishment I had for 50 years or more was to fix it.
It cannot be fixed because it is not true. And therein lies the problem: what do you do with something that is not fixable?
Unevolved “Removing Hatred” people hide it. And they pay a price. A big price. I have two people in my family with this soul correction… one died at age 4
I have another word for allowing for you, that has always worked much better for me than the word allowing.
The other word is “having room for”…
You see, if you live in tight quarters, than everything that intrudes it, everything that you didn’t design to be there creates clutter, hinders you in your movement, cramps your style.
If you move into a larger house, that maybe even has a basement and an attic, and a few extra bedrooms, you have room for a lot of stuff… even for a lot of stuff that you neither need or want.
But you can afford the luxury to let those things be, you have them, they don’t have you… meaning they don’t have your goat.
One of the capacities you want to cultivate is the capacity of being in awe. Awestruck, awe-inspired.
Why? Because unless you can be moved on the inside, you are dead and I can’t help you… nobody can.
Unless you can attain to a certain level of awe, you are not going to be able to have a purpose to your life, or love, or rise above the pedestrian existence of the current humanity.
And no, I am not going to turn it on for you, please don’t ask.
You talk about something miraculous, that could make all the difference for people… you speak, they listen… and nothing.
You say something profound… no echo. You ask for something, and people’s eyes are glazed over.
Well, this is a regular occurrence in my life… it’s been happening as far as I can remember. And it has happened in every language… not just in English.
I used to suffer about it. I used to blame everyone, call them stupid, etc.
There was a point, some 30 years ago, when it first occurred to me that maybe
Everybody is looking for the easy, take a pill type of solution to life’s issues: fitness, relationships, money, raising your vibration.
One of my students has been coming back to the same article, over and over again, several times a day, because to him it seems like an instant, pop a pill type of solution to raising your vibration.
The truth is that pop a pill type of solutions either don’t work, or work counter to your intention.
Fitness is the easiest to see because it is visible… the others: it isn’t quite obvious
If you take a pill… you’ll not get fit. If it works and you lose weight, it probably caused damage, just as