“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”

As you know, I am a mad scientist. Mad, because I test things other people wouldn’t. Scientist because I talk, then test, then share it. In thousands of experiments I have developed a sixth sense. What you would call the truth sensing ability. It is a feeling that only develops after knowing a lot… I … Continue reading ““People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care””

Building something worth building… A life, a business, a relationship… what is missing?

The more details you can see, accurately, interpret accurately, the higher your vibration, and the more results you can produce. We call this astute, and I haven’t been measuring that… Now, obviously it takes something to be able to be astute… Tai Lopez, whose 67 steps product I use to teach with… hell, he is …

The Secret: Being unstoppable. Going the extra mile. Being willing to do what it takes…

The stuff heroes made of. Not ordinary. What was in The Secret movie and The Secret book is plain bullshit. Plain and simple. What we call ordinary is ugly. Being stopped by fear. Being stopped by doubts. Being stopped by laziness. Being stopped by anything. You get a great idea, or an invitation, and you …

Measure vibration only? or Why do I have such a long list of measures in the Starting Point Measurements?

Did you, have you asked yourself the question why I have such a long list of measures in the Starting Point Measurements? After all, there was a time when I only offered your vibration number and your soul correction… wasn’t that enough? Maybe yes, maybe no. The more ways I get to look at you …

Measuring Self-Esteem distortion: how accurate is your self-evaluation?

The new measure I am including in the Starting Point Measurements is Self-Esteem. Or more precisely: how distorted your self-esteem is. Esteem, the word, comes from the Latin appraise, estimate, measure the value of, the size of… through French and Middle English (as a noun in the sense ‘worth, reputation’): from Old French estime (noun), …

Updated: Discovery, invention, innovation and ambition: Introducing the Unification Energy

Summary: some six thousand years ago a mind virus was introduced. It lead to the rise of a strong ruling class and a sheep-like plebs. In this article I introduce the first ever remedy to the mind virus: the Unification Energy. You see, humans have a strong inner connection to wisdom through connecting to All-Knowledge, …

Habit Stacking… a shortcut to your new life

I am reading a book, Habit Stacking. I think all non-fiction kindle books are poorly written… and I hate them. No joy of reading, even if the information is good. This one is no exception…   but the topic is needed. Why do you need what this book teaches? Why do you need habit stacking? …

Disclaimer… Who am I to guide you in your quest to health? The Truth Method

become aware of your own bullshitDisclaimer: My reviews on health, supplements, and nutrition, practitioners, systems, modalities are based on a little knowledge and a lot of muscle testing. Same with my nutritional consultation. I am not a doctor, I am not a nutritionist, I am not a pharmacist… I am a True Empath, an avid reader, and a very diligent …

Medical Intuitives – Vibrational Reviews – Anthony William

You’ll notice that I am experimenting with a new format. Your feedback is appreciated. Anthony William, medical intuitive I was lead to this guy, and his page by a friend of mine who is using his advice. Interesting tidbit: you don’t have to be a high vibration person to be a medical intuitive. Anthony William’s …

Chances are: you don’t know who you are, and you don’t know what would really please you

We are all entrepreneurs, potentially. The principle is: an entrepreneur is someone who remakes the world in the image of themselves. There are a few problems we’ll have with this principle: The main problem is that we have no idea who we are, how we are, what we really like, what are our strengths, what …