I just listened to this Earl Nightingale talk… eleven minutes or so. I had never heard it… It struck me how everything was invented so many times in history… and however many times it was invented, like how to get from where you are to being in the top few percent of the world, millions … Continue reading “Earl Nightingale spells out the small (tiny) steps method… and everybody misses it”
You need to ask this question: Are you Frank or Matt when it comes to your Self-Actualization: Becoming all you can be…
Frank and Matt… the two archetypes of seekers in all areas of life. relationship seekers, weight loss, prosperity, mindset, spirituality… seekers are seekers! I got an email in my inbox from a marketing teacher of mine today. I liked the …
Living My Life As An Experiment…

Living my life as an experiment has given me a valuable “to the side and slightly elevated” vantage point. What does that mean? That while I am in the midst of whatever is going on, whatever is bothering me, I am also viewing it from a point not in the midst of. Example: My landlord treats me like a dirty rag. That is a sentence from he midst of…