I am reading a book ((Return to the brain of Eden by Tony Wright and Graham Gynn. Truth value: 7%. Careful, that means 93% b.s. If it is such low truth value: why am I reading it? Because, as you’ll see later in this article, I can tell truth from falsehood, because I read with my right brain, I can get from the book what I need, and none of the b.s. You can’t… yet.
I just started the book, but my hunch, at this early on is that what they say about food is what’s off… )) that says that humans used to be able to live from their right-brain, meaning they were a lot more intelligent.
Sometimes we learned one profession but we want to change… and it is not that easy…
Here are two examples: one is my own, the other is a student of mine…
In the end I’ll ask for your input… please be generous.
After I came to the USA, I worked as an architect for about 30 months.
First I scoured the help wanted ads, and went on an interview with a prestigious Midtown Manhattan firm. They were impressed with me, my experience, and hired me on the spot with a salary that was four, nearly five times higher than what I made in Israel.
On my way out I passed pictures of their completed projects and realized that this job would have no integrity for me: I w