
arrogance is looking down... comparisonI have been dealing with arrogance in my students.

Arrogance is unearned boastful superiority.
Most people don’t know, don’t care because they themselves are not achievers… but you can have confidence that is justified by your accomplishments, your superior knowledge.

To the uninitiated, they look and sound the same. But they aren’t. You only need to scratch the surface.

I have detected a certain ancestral commonality in that behavior.

And have been pondering why and how and for what purpose are certain nationalities arrogant.

Astute, foggy, clueless… how many distinct things can you tell apart?

AstuteSo far 46 people read the article about the exercise for self love.

One of them actually did what I did, followed my example, and wrote to me about his experience. He is astute ((having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people)).

So what did the rest of them do? Some of them, at least, hugged themselves, and felt the pain or the sadness.

Did any of them have a conversation? Yes. Some of them.

So why do I say they didn’t do what I did? Because they didn’t catch that I didn’t talk about what’s wrong with me…

When you love yourself, you love your life…

Sophie Benshitta Maven

You find yourself not sleeping well, eating the wrong thing, not taking care of yourself… Maybe you are getting signs of depression… Maybe you are procrastinating… How can you restore yourself to wellness? You don’t even know why you are … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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