More on activating consciousness to guide you: what are the abilities you use for that?

value-idea-usingIt is human nature to want to be smart. The feeling is: the smarter you are the better life will be.

But being smart from the mind isn’t very smart, except to the people who put the stuff in your mind.

In my readings about different cultures, the Chinese culture is a good example of that kind of smart. For hundreds and hundreds of years, the Chinese has been encouraged to repeat, not think.

For two years I had three Chinese students live next door: no thinking, no emotions, was my experience. If any emotions were felt by me, it was the emotions of visitors

Mind Movies Matrix Login – Creating A Vision Board Online review

Natalie Ledwell Ebook The Mind Movie subliminal message system is a reminder, to your Subconscious Mind, of what it is you want. Remember, it’s your other than conscious mind that does the majority of the work of attracting what you want into your life. Your mind movie is merely a tool for change to help […]

How to activate your relationship with your consciousness so you can be guided

activating-dormant-abilitiesMost things that happen inside you, inside Team-YOU, (Team You: body: feelings/emotions, mind, soul, ego, subconscious, history/ancestry, cells/DNA, self/identity, Self, consciousness)) are below your conscious awareness.

Most of the abilities, most of the DNA capacities I activate, need you to get aware of the happenings inside you, or you’ll lose out.

What do I mean “lose out”?

When you pay $25 for the activation of a capacity, an ability becomes available to you. If you don’t use it, you lose the $25. But what more you lose depends on the game you play in life.

Does it ever happen to you that you talk and no one responds?

no one hears me speakYou talk about something miraculous, that could make all the difference for people… you speak, they listen… and nothing.
You say something profound… no echo. You ask for something, and people’s eyes are glazed over.

Well, this is a regular occurrence in my life… it’s been happening as far as I can remember. And it has happened in every language… not just in English.

I used to suffer about it. I used to blame everyone, call them stupid, etc.

There was a point, some 30 years ago, when it first occurred to me that maybe

What are the symptoms of an activated DNA capacity? Like The Sight, aka the Third Sight.

It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth itHow will you know if the DNA capacity of seeing the consequences of your actions, aka The Sight is working for you or not?

I just realized, this very minutes, that the language of the effect of the capacity used is misleading.

When I say: Let’s look: you look with your eyes, even if I tell you to look with your Self… your Consciousness.

When I say: see the consequences of your actions: you’ll try to see something with your eyes, right?

But here is the problem: they eyes are an outward organ, only a

What holds you back?

different-strokesI have been wondering what is the real reason behind many of you

1. coming back and reading the articles for years, yet never actually buying anything
2. buying stuff but not using them

I watched a video today, aimed at hypnotherapists.

The similarity between hypnotherapy and what I do is that most of what happens happens in the invisible realm. And what comes up is fear… doesn’t it?

What if she blah blah blah, fill in the blank with your fear.

In this article I want to honor the people who can’t even get themselves into the position of actually try… try and succeed, try and fail, but at least give it a shot

You want to be special but you don’t want to do anything for it… not really.

mental states illustration... making energy visibleI was researching this whole Third Eye humbug on the internet.

Of all the “supernatural” abilities people want, this seems to take the prize!

People want to be special, want to stand out, what to amaze people, but they don’t want to pay the price. Please check if you are part of “people”. My hunch is that if you tell the truth, you’ll find that you are.

Now, what is wrong with this picture?

It violates fundamental spiritual laws.

What are spiritual laws? Why are they spiritual?

Spiritual laws are the laws of the invisible. Energy, for example. Energy is invisible. It can be made

Download Mind Movies Matrix – Pinterest Vision Boards Online fraud

Natalie Ledwell Review A mind movie is a personalized method for you to re-wire your brain in any way you want. Later in this article I’ll give you a link to a software that will allow you create your own. A mind movie is a “digital dream board”… a short, powerful online video that you […]

The distinction between behavior and capacity… doing and being

self-trustA new student of mine writes:

I think self trust is a big challenge for me, and building self trust is necessary as a foundation before I can trust others and build authentic relationships. I gain self trust by genuinely provide value and service to others. There is no short cut in gaining self trust and trust from others, and I need to build my skills and deliver my value solidly step by step, like building from the ground up to a skyscraper.

In my current choice in career path between the two opportunities, the important thing to consider is not what job it is, but rather which job allows me to use my skills to provide

What is the real cost of not having The Sight and Appreciation DNA capacity?

cost-of-coffeeWhat is the real cost of not having The Sight and Appreciation DNA capacity?

Now that I have quite a few of you have these new capacities activated, I have an insight into the cost of not having had the DNA capacity active before… and to not have it be activated now, when you can.

My conversation with a guy from Holland is a good way to see the cost of not having “The Sight” activated:

He asks a valid question: (If this looks familiar, the first few comments are also in another article… just stay with it, it is worth your time. You’ll see yourself, and that is priceless.)

is it possible t