Animals are not forceful. Plants are not forceful. Why? Because, while the selfish gene is quite forceful, the animals surrender to the selfish gene… and go “with” it.
Humans are animals with a mind… and the mind is forceful. More forceful than the selfish gene…
The selfish gene is clear on what it wants: it wants to increase itself in the gene pool. That is all it is interested in. It negotiates with nature, with other species, with toxins, with members of the same species continually to lead to evolutionary stable strategies…. ess in short. It adapts or it dies. The more adaptable, the more aware the gene and the vehicle, the more successful the gene is in propagating itself, and it thrives. It cannot
What is soul correction and why would the “divine” part of you need correction?
Let me explain:
The Universe has three energetic components: the positive, the negative, and the neutral.
This repeats itself on every level, the micro and the macro…
On the macro level the positive, giving component is The Force. The negative, receiving component are the souls, and the neutral/restrictive component is the individual’s consciousness.
Some days are special in that you can get enough power infusion into your life for a whole month, some days even for a whole year.
That pesky but is there, of course.
To connect to that power, on your own, you need to have a high enough consciousness… and you don’t. So what can you do?
For the most part: nothing. You can work on elevating your consciousness, but so far you have proven unequal to the task, and unwilling to do the work. Because what elevates consciousness is restriction… Restricting your desire to receive for the self alone… Going against your selfish genes.
Humans have a dual nature, that is the enemy of growth, enemy of learning, enemy to the survival of the species…
Arrogance and pride…
Arrogance is duality in itself.
It says,
on one hand: I already know. I know. I am beyond that.
on the other hand: OMG, I am so stupid. I make so many mistakes. I better slow down, and not be so sure.
What “it” says it knows? Everything. It knows if it is worth it to listen. It knows if it can. It knows the future, the past, what it means, what it doesn’t mean, what it’s about, what is important and what isn’t.
All the background stuff… the stuff that is largely invisible.
This is a long article… about WildFit… Eric Edmeades program that is opening on September 15 on MindValley… and it answers the question: should you do it? Is it any good? What is the truth value? What is the lie value? Worth reading… I think.
I am still on Mindvalley’s mailing list under a fake name… and from time to time I even open their email… like yesterday.
It seems that they are doing a new class with Eric Edmeades and his Wildfit program.
So I watched some of the videos, signed up to a pre-recorded webinar, and diligently muscle tested… because the claims are so seductive and so believable, that I needed to keep myself from being sucked in.
OK, let’s start at the beginning. What is an ess… right? lol. Evolutionary Stable Strategy… ess.
Unless you are my student, or you’ve read about the selfish gene, you don’t know what I am talking about.
It’s about evolution. It’s about the genes that use life-forms as vehicles for their own purposes.
A pigeon is a life form, and it is a vehicle for its selfish genes.
A worm is also a life form, and so is an elephant.
Human is also a life-form, the only one, so far, that is in conflict with the selfish gene.
With the new phenomenon: consciousness, humans are at odds with their own genes… the “vehicle” is revolting again
Some people won’t adhere to a diet that would make them healthy.
Stupidity? Yes, stupidity on a very deep selfish gene level.
It’s not that they don’t understand the price they are paying.
It’s that they make choices that the genes are making: not making waves, not bringing attention to themselves, not being different, fitting in is more important than being healthy, having energy, feeling good, calm, intelligent.
Almost everything “social” is gene directed. I say “almost” because I am humble. I don’t know any social that is NOT gene directed, but there could be, maybe.
So what do the genes want?
The genes want to survive, and they want to pass into a new generation.
During shopping. Is a fruit bowl worth the extra $3? It was 9.95, and it’s now 12.95… she says, and I have no idea how to answer. She has no idea what the weight of the fruit is, what the fruit would cost if you bought it and chopped it up yourself.
Just the question, out of context… is it worth it?
So what the heck is really this phenomenon: lazy, that is not lazy at all… but what is it really, if it is not actually lazy?
Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article
The problem with language, any language, is this: words don’t mean the
The first thinking brain, the genes driven brain creates a life of reactivity, full of fear, full of anxiety, full of sharp turns and devastating jerks. I’ve lived there… and I hated it.
The second thinking brain, the one that evaluates, reasons, figures stuff out, is slow and plodding, and hard work. Creates real solutions, keeps you out of trouble… but not really fun.
And then there is the third thinking brain… the work of thinking is done in the background, on the back burner, while the foreground is silent, resting, or busy learning something new..
That is where I live now.
I am getting a few questions about that, and I decided to tell you as much as I can see… the mechani