It is said that awareness , the awareness factor is the best predictor of someone’s chances for success. Simply put: your awareness is a measure that expresses how far your head is out of your anus, and how much of … Continue reading → Related Posts: Develop your Awareness, your conscious awareness Updated: Does Meditation […]
Who or what is in power in your life. You or something or someone else?
March is a survival month. I have been observing it for 30 years. If a business can make it past March, then it will make it another year. This is due to people’s (the buyers who keep business in business) … Continue reading → Related Posts: You send for a vibrational reading. I send it […]
Can your vibration be high if you live on the Tree of Knowledge, where every word has its emotional load? Can you be free? Can you be happy?
I had a “Talk to Me webinar” yesterday. I have it every month, on the last Wednesday of the month. This type of webinar is question and answer. I have no agenda. I learn more from unstructured conversations than from … Continue reading → Related Posts: Turning Points Part 2: commit to life You Cannot […]
The original sin… how you can stop paying, how can you stop suffering?

As I promised, the next step in creating your life that discouragement is only a rare guest in, instead of a tenant…
I am going to start with a somewhat gossipy story: my conversation with my mentor, Gyõzõ Margóczi, the brilliant engineer who wrote the books “Feelings” and “Words”.
I suggested that he thinks about developing a feedback device, that gives you valuable feedback on your feelings… because being in touch and understanding the dynamics of feelings is the hardest thing for a regular human.
And everyone is a regular human…
His answer, pay attention, was that there must surely be a rich man, like Bill Gates, who would want to stand behin
How WANTING and DESIRE put you squarely into the mindset of scarcity

It’s January, and a good large percentage of the searches on my site are for the mindset of money… People’s mind is on abundance this month… and it will stay there till April…
I have been observing people and businesses for decades. If you made it through March, then you probably made it another year… but the sense of impending doom begins in January.
I read a story about a woman who gave away ALL her money.
She was, a millionaire (or close to it) at the time. In any case, she came from money.
Her grandfather was a famous industrialist. Her parents had owned houses and property all over the world.
Thing is, this woman (who had been born into all this money and the lifestyle it afforded) didn’t feel
Look for it where it is, not where the light is on

Everyone is looking for the lost key under the lamppost… The Streetlight Effect ((The streetlight effect is a type of observational bias where people only look for whatever they are searching by looking where it is easiest.[1][2][3][4] The search itself may be referred to as a drunkard’s search.
Taken from an old joke about a drunkard who is searching for something he has lost, the parable is told several ways but typically includes the following details:
Stress, pressure, and overwhelm… no wonder you are tired!

It was 9 am, and I was already tired… No, correction: exhausted.
So I went back to bed, really curious what was the reason.
I asked and muscle tested questions…
I noticed that I was not breathing deeply: in fact I could not. The breath would not go through.
So I doubled up on the question: what is the cause of this inability to take a deep breath? Health, concerns, each individually, and all said no.
Then I asked: feeling under pressure… stress.
And yes, that was it.
I asked: do I have any reason to feel under pressure… and the answer was “no”.
In that very moment the breath came back, and the tiredness was gone… It is back now a little… as I am w
Diet cults vs. how life intends that you eat

I just finished reading the book “Diet Cults”.
I mostly hated it, especially when he is elaborating on his non-cult cult’s rules… ugh.
What is most striking in all the diet-cults, to me, is their ignorance of the fact that food, unless it is prepared in a tasty, mouth-watering way, isn’t nourishing for most people.
I had two health calls in the past two days, and both people ate in a cultish way, for health. What they shared are these:
- Their essential nutrients were not fully supplied to the body, even though the foods they ate had them.
- They ate according to someone’s idea of healthy eating.
- Both had a fa
You can’t fix being human

..that is one of the disappointing things you learn when you do work with me. I won’t feed you balooney like “you are a spiritual being having a human experience…” and other garden variety horse manure.
The other half-sentence is just as disappointing: “you can’t get out of this life alive…”
These two half-sentences address 70% of the popular delusions of humanity.
When you internalize these truly, when you start to be energized by them then your vibration will jump 50 points or more.
The chemicals in your food: are they a big threat?

The biggest threat to “them” is the man who stops jumping
There is an issue that I need to address: your trained Chemophobia.
You have been trained to bark up the wrong tree.
You have been trained to have Chemophobia, and it is bigger threat to your health than the chemicals themselves.
Why? For the same reason that you are attracted to film stars’ sex life… You don’t know chemistry, but you understand some words. So you are morbidly curious…