If you want to enslave a man, the best and fastest way to go about it is to rob the man of his common sense, his guidance system.

If you want to enslave a man, the best and fastest way to go about it is to rob the man of his common sense, his guidance system.

Train him to not trust his feelings. In anything. Train him that he can’t trust his feelings. Train him that all decisions should be made by men smarter than him. Train him that he can’t be trusted to made decisions about the education, the health about his children.

Train him by printing on plastic bags that they should not be put in the cradle… because a child may suffocate playing with it… Do this so the man will stop thinking for himself and start relying entirely on thing being given to him chewed and digested.

Give him the religion of positive thinking.

New insights on cell hydration, tiredness, your immune system, diabetes, cancer, and your life expectancy

  • If you pee often
  • If your pee is light
  • If you have to get up in the middle of the night and pee
  • that means: your cell hydration is low.
  • it may also mean: you have diabetes or pre-diabetes. Diabetics have low cell hydration. this may be the reason they don’t accept the sugar into the cell… Because sugar would break even bigger havoc in the cell… it would dry out the cell completely.
My hunch is that hydrating the diabetic’s cells can end the diabetic misery… But it needs testing. If you have diabetic friends, family members: you owe it to yourself to test the Energized water on them. Diabetes can cost tens o

I never had to really learn it… so how I teach you to live in reality? The 13th floor

This article will be deemed self-aggrandizing, or something of that sort… and I don’t care. Truth is truth…

I am 69 years old.

I have lived, this is a 20/20 hindsight, my entire life on the 13th floor. Two months ago I would not have said that: I didn’t know there is such a thing…

Having live there all my life: I am having a real tough time to say how I got there… because I never lived on the 14th or the 15th floor… the 13th floor is reality, based on your sensory organs, not on thought.

My brothers did live on the 14th floor. Both. My father also lived on the 13th floor. My mother didn’t.

The biggest difference, looking through my own eyes now, is the meanings. On the 14th

Can you be delusional? I bet you have never thought that about yourself…

Most of the things I find out were in front of me, in plain sight, but I could not see it.

As I am going deeper and deeper into teaching people to feel their feelings, so they can return to the Tree of Life, I am on uncharted territory. I encounter stuff that has always been there… and in this new context it hits me funny… weird… illogical… counter intuitive: to me.

Whenever I see things from the level I am, most of the things I see are things I have never had, and therefore they are new to me. Unfamiliar… Alien.

Such is the thing i want to write now: the delusion that you need to meet everyone’s expectation of you.

That it is your duty to be good enough for everyone, fast enough, smart enough, deep enough, pretty enou

A look at feelings… going under the hood

I have been saying in every article now that the 13th floor is a dynamic system.

Why dynamic? Because the feelings have direction, content, opinion… and they interact, pull, push, stop you…

Moving, changing, pulsing, etc.

Humans are not simple machines, and yet: every complicated machine is made up of many simple machines… and so are you. The more you allow the machine to inform you, the more fulfilling, the smoother, the more enjoyable life becomes, with you in the driver’s seat.

You know I am corresponding with the creator of the books, Feeli

Scientists are trying to keep you on the 15th floor. Why? Because it is super easy to influence you on that level.

Suddenly I am noticing the many articles that try to access your emotions, the advertising, the movies, all to keep you stuck on the 15th floor of your being. ((


Your emotions are moldable, like clay, and there is nothing that you can do about it… on that level. Because your emotions is the 15th floor, it is

Take back your power, take back your freedom, take back your peace of mind

Starting tomorrow… at 4 pm.

Why it is nearly impossible to change… unless…

Landmark Education has a process for leaders called clearing.

Clearing is probably the most effective tool to, at least temporarily, allow for change.

Clearing is saying, listing, everything that is in the way of change… with the intention to question its trueness, question its validity.

People watch you, listen to you, and depending on their own attitude, they hear dumping, they hear gossiping, they hear complaining.

But the intention, the

People Who Are Good At Recognizing Emotions Make More Money

Everybody writes about recognizing other people’s emotions, or recognizing your own emotions… but that is talking about the 14th floor in a building that stands in thin air… They write about what they know… because no one knows there is a missing 13th floor, because the science isn’t built for the 13th floor, or not quite. It has begun by a nobody in Hungary… And the science is valid. ((Read the books.))

The 13th floor is the floor of feelings. And the whole world of feelings we have been discouraged to explore, no one teaches it, because a person who is grounded in their feeli

Why don’t you trust? Why can’t you trust?

This is a hypothesis that will need to be confirmed with tests. I could also say: it’s a hunch.

And my hunch is that the less trustworthy you are the less trust you have. Period.

Hah, but trust, as a verb, is transitive.

So let’s see what COULD you trust, if you did:

  • 1. trust in yourself… aka self-trust.Trusting that what comes out of your mouth is the truth
    Trusting that you can
    Trusting that you will
    Trusting that your “beliefs” are accurate
    Trusting that you can meet your own expectations of yourself
    Trusting that you can meet other people’s expectations
    and probably a lot more.We’ll talk about “beliefs” that everyone seems to know what they me

Are feelings and emotions the same? Would being able to tell them apart make you a happier, more accomplished person?

Are feelings and emotions the same? …or why all techniques of increasing Emotional Intelligence are b.s. and not effecting the level of happiness, the level of well-being of people who practice it. Same is true about the Emotional Guidance System of Abraham Hicks… b.s. and ineffective. Why? Because they are trying to change the fruits instead of the roots… Putting makeup on syphilitic lesions. ((In 1969, I was 22 years old, I was hanging out with a new friend, who was gay.

One day I got a phone call from the hospital ordering me to show up… I did. I was named as a person in the ci