Your mind, your stupid machine, has no direct knowledge about reality. It has no concern, no regard to reality… It has in it what the memes have programmed it to have… 1% reality, 99% b.s. And your mind is, therefore, your worst friend. It is killing YOU and it is killing your life… sometimes slowly, sometimes really fast. ((People, books, videos that talk about mind power are on the Dark Side. They are no friends of yours: they are working for the Mind. And you are too stupid to know.))
Every Tuesday I read my email to find my weekly horoscope, and here it goes… again. Setting a context for my life, a context I could have never dreamed up myself… Rob Brezsny and his weekly horoscopes I would not want to miss.
The idea for the Muse came from Ariel Garten, personal vibration 120, a Canadian entrepreneur… curiously deserving a Wikipedia entry, while Dr. Joel Wallach hasn’t. Ugh.
Canada is home of the lowest vibration on the planet.
I have, so far, dropped 23 pounds, about 10 kg. My bone structure is starting to show… starting. I didn’t diet, but I completely overhauled my diet, removed everything that doesn’t agree with my body, and added all the nutrients that are essential. I feel good, I have no cravings, and it is very sustainable… I can live like this till the day I die.
I have gone from completely sedentary, because of pain, to sprightly, as some people called me yesterday. I now only have pain when walking.
I am in better mood than ever, I laugh easily, and feel good about my life, about life itself, about
This morning I chose to listen to the memo, instead of reading it.
The memo was dramatized, much like a radio advertising… Radio advertising I haven’t heard in many years.
I have been coaching people for many years now. The goal was always to take people on a journey to become their best Self.
Now, the task is easier when someone knows who they are. When someone has a Self.
Most people don’t. They have a persona for each group they interact with, the family persona, the student persona, the friend, the gossiper, the entertainer, the this and the that.
Those personas (roles you play) are not you. They were created by a perceived demand in the circumstances, a perceived demand in the environment.
They leave you empty, they leave you being jerked by the
Ask anyone; the happiest moments of one’s life are the moment when we find ourselves in our vertical self… or at least centered and grounded in the bottom of it.
It doesn’t happen a lot, because we are brought up and encouraged to live in our horizontal being.
Freedom versus Liberty, thrivers, survivors, or fallen by the wayside
When I ask people what they want, many say they want freedom. When we poke into it: they want a sense of freedom, but think the way to get to freedom is through liberty… Let me explain.
Just like with all words we use, here is huge confusion, a collapse of two distinctions: freedom and liberty. They are not connected. They don’t even overlap!
Go read the rest of the article
Sophie Benshitta Maven What do negative feelings have to do with abundance? Prepare to be surprised! This past week my sales dropped to near zero. I got intensely curious and started to investigate. I detected when it started, and how it transpired. Then