What you say and what you do… when it comes to your children becoming educated, productive people

One of the signs of the overwhelming inauthenticity ((My definition of authenticity is that there is nothing in the unsaid that isn’t consistent with what is visible… Authenticity is one of those big words that no one knows what it really means… so they go by feeling. The simplest way to define authenticity is that there is no pretense, no façade, no game playing. The person is the same through and through, whether he/she is seen or not.

Most people smile a lot in their pictures, but I can feel their anxiety, their fear, their inner trembling.

One more thing that I haven’t said before, but given that we are working with memes: if you obey memes, if you repeat memes, if you try to fit in with memes, y

How to get your brain to read?

How to Get Your Mind to Read ((article by Daniel T. Willingham (@DTWillingham) is a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia and the author, most recently, of “The Reading Mind: A Cognitive Approach to Understanding How the Mind Reads.” Republished from the New York Times

Photo: Credit Lilli Carré))
Americans are not good readers. Many blame the ubiquity of digital media. We’re too busy on Snapchat to read, or perhaps internet skimming has made us incapable of reading serious prose. But Americans’ trouble with reading predates digital technologies. The problem is not bad reading habits engendered by smartphones, but bad education habits engendered by a misunderstanding of how the mind reads.

Just how bad i

Why Most People Will Remain in Mediocrity

Most people will never become truly successful.

“It’s lonely at the top. 99% of people are convinced they are incapable of achieving great things, so they aim for mediocre. The level of competition is thus fiercest for ‘realistic’ goals, paradoxically making them the most competitive.”

-Tim Ferriss

Most people will never be truly successful.

The pull towards mediocrity is too strong. As David Schwartz once penned, “All around you is an environment that is trying to pull you down to Second-Class Street.”

Most people will never escape the pull.

Much of the thinking around us is small-minded. Most people are overly conce

I don’t think you understand how humans are “designed”!

You are born with potentials but no skills. Even breathing is a skill you need to learn. Skills are the atoms of actions. Each action, like a molecule is built of atoms, each activity is made of parts that we …

I didn’t know that you didn’t know

Unless I know what you don’t understand, unless I know what is your fundamental lack of knowledge, all my articles, all my teachings go right over your head. I had a wake up call yesterday, a wake up call I …

How do you know if you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset? And how do you get out of the fixed mindset, really?

I doesn’t matter what you think you believe. I am starting to notice that what you say you believe is one thing, what you actually believe is expressed a lot more truthfully in your actions and in your reactions. One … Continue reading “How do you know if you have a fixed mindset or a […]

How do you pick a life philosophy, how do you pick a guru?

Tons of people come to my site to read my valuation of many gurus’ vibration. When they are done, they choose… How they choose, what they choose says everything about them, not about the guru, not about the method, not … Continue reading → Related Posts: Choice is: selecting freely, AFTER consideration. More on being […]

If the opportunity to step into the success you crave came along: would you be able to take advantage of it?

I was listening to the step that talks about being prepared for opportunity. Now, please listen up, I intend to teach you a spiritual practice. So if you listen “about”, in a gossipy way, you won’t get anything, and that … Continue reading → Related Posts: Next I am going to teach a course on […]

People Who Are Good At Recognizing Emotions Make More Money

Everybody writes about recognizing other people’s emotions, or recognizing your own emotions… but that is talking about the 14th floor in a building that stands in thin air… They write about what they know… because no one knows there is a missing 13th floor, because the science isn’t built for the 13th floor, or not quite. It has begun by a nobody in Hungary… And the science is valid. ((Read the books.))

The 13th floor is the floor of feelings. And the whole world of feelings we have been discouraged to explore, no one teaches it, because a person who is grounded in their feeli

The missing science so you can start mastering your beingness: the Real Kabbalah

Today’s “What’s the truth about you?” workshop is the first experiment to get to beingness through feelings.

The challenge, for the participant, is to accurately feel their feelings, and maybe even what the feeling wants them to do, the inner dynamics.

My experience is that despite what everyone teaches, you cannot get to what you want through words. But you can get to what you want through the feelings level and the through feelings level to the beingness level: the creative plane.

If the “Law of Attraction” or the “Law of Similars” has any water to hold, if being in energetic alignment with what you want does actually allow you to go for it, having, use it, keep it, then this is the most important skill you want to develop. <