Learned Helplessness: 50% of humanity is a wuss, a sissy… a cry-baby. In 1945 it was 7%… In Jesus’ time it was 1%

lazy-vs-learned-helplessnessLearned helplessness, this is today’s topic. The opposite of “Bring it on…!” Your life depends on which is your dominant attitude.

Which attitude will get you what you want?

No contest, I hope, learned helplessness will get you more of the same.

50% of the world’s population behaves like they can’t handle it. It is learned helplessness… it is not innate. But it feels innate…

But it is, in reality, a reflex built and initiated by parents, religion, school, and politi

Will your cultural predicament to be powerless, feel powerless, fail you in becoming a human being?

Another issue that has been driven up by the “Gate of Heaven” workshop is this: In certain cultures women are told they are inferior. They are supposed to be pretty, but not smart. They are property: they are treated as … Continue reading → Related Posts: Letting the genie out of the bottle A breakthrough […]

I just learned a new word. Mentality. I could add another: social attitudes

trying-to-bring-you-downThis article was designed to make you look… to be interactive, co-creative.

Even the pictures are a question: what is the mentality, what is the attitude, the social attitude, that it represents? Please work with me: you’ll get insight from it, Guaranteed.

And I will need your help with mining all the gold that can be found in that new word.

Can you tell what someone’s mentality is? I bet you have never asked this question, am I right? I don’t think I have, at least not this word. Maybe I used mindset. Maybe I used attitude.

The spirit wants only that there be flying

wild-turkey-flyingYou can’t win the bets you don’t make. You can’t win the arguments you don’t engage in. You can’t win without taking risks.

If you look at me, and can see, you’ll see a person with severe dyslexia, serious holes in her brain from two episodes of brain damage.

What does this mean? This means that I make a lot of mistakes, mistakes most people would not make…

Couple that with a quick-start personality, and you get a lot of failures, a lot of mistakes, a lot of screw-up… and, surprisingly a lot of wins.


Your free will, your choice is mostly inside the question: shall I shrink or shall I grow?

finally-flyingYou have been choosing the shrink most of your life… and you ended up on my site with a meager number of capacities, hoping to get more out of life than you are getting.

You have been choosing, consistently to be a fat flightless turkey, in spite of your DNA that has flying as a capacity.

Yesterday I activated the capacity of Process for a handful of people… and it seems that this is a crucial capacity… Here are some interesting insights reading people’s notes who just got the Process capacity activated

T from England writes. She now has

Your smarts don’t live in your brain. Comparing brains is a favorite job of scientist, but they are on the wrong track.

your smarts are not in your brainYour smarts don’t live in your brain. Comparing brains is a favorite job of scientist, but they are on the wrong track.

Instead they should ask questions that relevant… I wonder why they don’t think to answer relevant questions.

Questions like what happens when a really smart man has a daughter? How come that women, in general, are less capable, less able to make it in the world?

And the answer doesn’t live in the brain: it lives in the DNA.

Children inherit a combination of their parents’ DNA. A child can be smart, even brilliant as a potential, socialization will force

What do you use to avoid process?

here-is-the-processI just noticed that guessing is not a good method in process… neither is faking it, winging it, etc. It’s not a process if someone else cannot follow in your footstep! Ugh.

I can see that I need to change more things than one… especially guessing… I find it irresistibly funny… lol… even though I am not sure what is making me laugh out loud. But it tickles my funny bone that all my habits fly in the face of process.

Ego is trying to assert itself, yelling that it’s boring…

Some 30 years ago I participated in a seminar series on and for creativity. I have one thing I still remember:

Could you learn to be an investor like Warren Buffet? If you had the time, the teachers, the money?

warren_buffetI shared a few bits here and there today with my chiropractor… He has 13 capacities used.

The conversation was an utter and total failure.

Capacities, abilities, is a whole new concept, and he wasn’t even getting a glimpse of what I was talking about. Very interesting.

It seems that the mistaken belief is that you can learn anything… including being an investor like Warren Buffet… that is a total illusion: you cannot learn anything that you don’t have the capacities for.

Most types of learning, like classes, coaching, etc. don’t take you to a place where the capacity missing would turn on, because you are ready for i

Does having more capacities turned on raise your vibration too?

presidential-election-2016Superiority… The word comes up a lot in my coaching. Mostly in the context of your soul correction.

But in reality, some things are superior to other things… because all exists on many scales.

On the DNA capacities “scale” someone with 30 capacities is superior to someone who has 29, 20, 10, 7.

I haven’t found anyone with less than seven capacities, though I am sure there are.

So superior is not the issue. Acting superior is the issue.

It attacks people’s egos, the part of a human that makes sure the person survives. And as in any competition, it can get ugly. ((Ug

High vibration, high achiever people err on the side of judging you more capable than you are.

screenshot_799Teachers, and coaches, who themselves are high vibration and high achievers, I know a few, see you better than you are, and tell you that with a little, or a lot of coaching you can achieve the life you want.

But, unfortunately, we desire things we are not equipped to achieve, or are not willing to move towards.

Why is this?

Because it takes active, working capacities to do things. DNA capacities… capacities that you cannot learn… Capacities are not like knowledge. Capacities are not like skills. Capacities are either open or not open. If they aren’t open, they need to be opened, either by being in a do or di