If you found out that all the wrong turns, mistakes you made in your life… probably thousands, you made them because you didn’t see what there was to see.
A number of years ago, one leader in Landmark Education said: Most people either don’t sign up or quit as soon as they see it.
See what? You ask…
See that the solution to the issues of their lives, the decisions that would have taken them to success were there, but they didn’t see them.
I didn’t see them, and you didn’t see them.
Moreover… no matter how many times I notice that I didn’t see something, the fact doesn’t change: I don’t see what is there… I see something else.
I watched this hour and a half long documentary on Sun Tzu’s lessons, and real historical wars America fought inside and outside of America.
I wept throughout.
I value, overall, human life. Even if it is the life of someone I don’t like, don’t respect, or who is the enemy.
So it was painful.
If you are one of those who doesn’t have the stomach for real life, who only wants to know about the nice things in life… You are stupid. Life is life, people are people, and life is war.
“To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people.“
I am continuing the inquiry into curiosity… the intrinsic motivation of humans… how you lost it, how to rekindle it… and what might be in the way.
I am going to use myself, because curiosity is so rare, and so relatively unconscious, unobserved, and unacknowledged, that I don’t even know who I could ask about their own experience… Let’s hope that this state of affairs will change soon.
The hectic, information driven culture in which we live, where everyone considers themselves eligible to post
What are you carrying on that weighs you so down that you can never ascend? Or climb the Tree of Life, until you put it down?
Have you noticed that making changes, doing new things, going to places unfamiliar is difficult, near impossible?
Consider that you are dragging a persona with you, that is what makes the going so encumbered…
A coaching client of mine began to build her persona in an incident that happened when she was four years old. There was an escaped serial killer on the loose in her neck of the woods, and her mother left her in charge of her little sister who was in a cast. There was a knock on the front door, and she tried to drag
Being able to be with what isn’t nice, what isn’t pretty, what isn’t pleasant, what is risky… facing the truth, facing the tiger
I had a webinar today. It was my regular monthly public webinar… but this time I wanted to show how to measure your food and supplements… so you don’t depend on me for all your answers.
I had to use my webcam, obviously, to show what I needed to show, for muscle testing is highly physical.
I look the way I look… not well groomed, I have a barber buzz-cut my hair, it is thinning, no makeup… and I had to stare at my reflection the whole time.
I don’t even look in the mirror, not even once a day.
I didn’t like the way I looked, but that is how I look.
I used to lead introductions to the Landmark Forum.
There is a part in the introduction where you attempt to distinguish for people that most of what’s knowable for a human: you don’t know. Moreover: you don’t know what you don’t know.
Then you ask a simple question: Can you give me an example of what you don’t know that you don’t know?
In most groups there is at least one person who tries… Everybody laughs… because the answer to that question can only be: I don’t have an example… You can give an example of what you used to not know but now know… but that is an answer to a different question.
Now, one of the beauties of reading is finding stuff that you didn’t know that you didn’t kn
In this article I will share with you a period of my life when things happened with a lightening fast speed, and I made those things happen.
It was 1988, and around February I got fired. It was my fault… I forgot that I was supposed to lie to cover for my employer… and I let the truth slip. So I got fired.
Then I got really depressed. I got thrown out of a program I loved and was really good at in Landmark…
I had no income, no hopes for income, and I was depressed.
I started to go to a 12-step program and with a little help, ok, a lot of pushing, I did start to look what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, now that everything I knew was closed for me.
If I see you as beautiful… will you see yourself as beautiful?
If I see you as magnificent, great, awesome… will you see yourself like I do?
Muscle test and my experience says: no.
The most beautiful women spend hours in front of the mirror staring at their imperfections… trying to hide them.
There are also beautiful women who can say: so what. They are in search of some other imperfection.
We know ourselves intimately, and rare is the person who can leave it alone… who can refrain bemoaning their faults, and stop trying to fix themselves while keeping up appearances.
The question came up because of my last article. I bet a lot of people thought I should have told the woman in the article