I saw something today that can be important to for you to learn, because I don’t think you know. It was prompted by an article by James Altucher, a blogger (personal vibration: 170) who I like and feel disgust for at … Continue reading → Related Posts: Your sphere of influence and your vibration: what […]
The secret to happiness is wanting what you have

When I look back at my life, I find that the way to get ahead in life, the way to amass knowledge, the way to grow is through wanting what you have… and more of it.
Curiosity, the word, means something different for different people.
The low vibration person looks outside of themselves for something pleasant to titillate them.
The high vibration person looks inside of themselves for something pleasant they already have experienced and they can have more of if they want to.
If you look at my life you may come away with the insight that if you sleep very little, and when you are awake you work, then you’ll be “whatever you say about me”.
I am nearly 70 years old. I slept an average five hours a night. Many years th
Without trust there cannot be humility… Without humility there is no growth

As we saw, the two capacities, humility: (saying: I don’t know), and seeing the big picture/looking at the thing inside the big picture, are the most predictive of people who can and will correct their faulty mental picture of reality.
Of these humility is primary.
Humility is what gets us out of our head, and makes us look again.
The mood of this: maybe I didn’t see it right!
We all know people who didn’t look twice, and walked into a trap, walked into disaster with their heads high, no idea that the trap is there.
And how you do anything is how you do everything. So if that is you: it is all over the place for you, in every area of your life.
The “and” game… What your resistance says about you

I got lucky today. I got to see something I haven’t seen in a long time.
It’s been many years that I “shared” with anyone.
Sharing is a Landmark Education distinction: you talk about some gain in your life, in a particular way, and if you did it well, the other person gets a tiny bit more than just a whiff of what you are “sharing”; they get a taste of it. A taste of your gain…As if you’ve given them a bite of your triple chocolate fudge cake… lol.
We were both early for the exercise class, and she was really relieved that she wasn’t going to be the only student…
As I was changing to shorts, and gym shoes, I asked if it would be OK with her if I bragged..
Do you know what no feelings mean? You are dead…

Do you know what no feelings mean? You are dead… While you are alive life is ups and downs, good feelings, bad feelings, neutral feelings.
The fact that you can’t feel your feelings doesn’t mean they aren’t there…
Yesterday was a weird day.
First I fell victim to taking things personally. I’d like to say it was funny, but taking things personally is not fun.
The whole day passed without a single email, and also without most of my regular clients and students visiting my site. I was checking.
Late afternoon I started to contemplate that I have lost my customers.
Then I look
October special… Can the Power of this special day break through your resistance?

New experiment: Can the spiritual power of the Days of Power be used to power an activation?
Activation of a spiritual capacity?
I am thinking of combining the Day of Power on Sunday, October 16, with the Unconditional Love Activator live activation.
If you have the activator already, then you are welcome to the call. If you don’t: you can buy any version between now and the session, and be eligible to be on the call.
Here is how the call will go:
In the first 15 minutes I’ll download the energy of the Day of Power for everyone on the call. People who don’t own the Unconditional Love Activator the
Feeling deeply and effortless abundance… what is the connection?

It’s a normal day to me: I went deep inside the energy body of a person in Singapore and got in touch with her life, her urges, how she thinks, and what pains she has. I pulled her energetic attachments. … Continue reading
If you are human, you are hungry for stories — the power of reading

It seems that to be human is to crave stories. So, if you are reading this, you crave stories.
The question is: where are you get your stories from?
Most of you get it in gossip.
Many get it in soap operas as well… not much better than gossip.
I recommend that you read. Quality novels or short stories… It enriches, while gossips or gossipy TV shows don’t.
Neither do romance novels…
You need to satisfy the hunger, but just like with food, some foods nurture, others fill you up with crap.
So choose wisely.
How do you see yourself? how accurate is your self-image?

The inner view and the outer view of who you are are vastly different. Your chances for success, love, happiness depend on the accuracy of your self-image. ((self-im·age
noun: self-image; plural noun: self-images
the idea one has of one’s abilities, appearance, and personality.
“sickness is an affront to one’s self-image and dignity”))
Do you know that people see you differently than you see yourself? And both you and other people see you differently than you actually are.
You may see yourself worse or better or just plain different than you really are… and so do others.
Your life would work better if the two views were closer. You’d h
Dr. Mercola and his site… a vibrational review

- his vibration 170
- his overall IQ including his intelligence 70 (average)
- the number of spiritual capacities he has 8. A practicing doctor needs 20 capacities… but he is a teacher instead.
- his soul correction (his machine) DOB July 8, 1954. His soul correction is the same as mind: Forget Thyself.
- does he have attachments? no
- the level of his health 30%
- the level of his cell hydration 7%
The most important thing you want to get from these numbers: