Equality, racist, collusion, big words you throw around

race,racist, racismYesterday I used the free community van to get to two stores I cannot get to easily on my own.

Note: in the illustrations I am not taking sides. I am illustrating that there is confusion and disagreement in what is race, what is racist, what is racism, and what it does is it makes people rigid, lie about what they think, and vote for Trump… ugh.

The driver of the van, PhD in sociology, asked if it bothered me if he continued to listen to NPR radio ((National Public Radio)) . It was a public debate in Trump and if he was a racist.

I listened for at least half an hour, and observed that no one bothered to define what they meant by

Capacities are like doors: they can be closed, they can be open.

Closed door, closed capacity: that is clear. No traffic is possible. Open, that is a whole other ball game: the door can be open anywhere from 1% to 100%

I activated the Unconditional Love capacity: the degree to which the intrinsic Self and the invented, the fake self can interact and bring peace, joy, fulfillment, creativity, curiosity to one’s life.

Watching people, I am more than certain that they think: I’ve done it…


My capacity is 70% open… Not 100%. I have done this activation a 100 times. I have the activator in every glass of water I drink. And in five years I got to 70%.

Matsa, my very first student is at 50%.

And another old student of mine is at 10%.

What is the difference?

  • The frequency and the intensity of the activation
  • The willingness and aptness to act consistent with the new relationship between the selves

Are you being used?

Lots of people, women and men, have a feeling that they are just placeholders or commodities for their friends or lovers.

Even coaches and gurus can have that feeling: actually this is what lead me to start this article.

Whenever I have a question about someone, or have time, I look up the online profiles of people that want to become a student of mine.

So I looked up someone today who has been a student, on and off for about two years now. I have had mixed feeling about her, so I looked her up.

Go read the rest of the article

Vibrational Review: Gurjieff et. al.

Vibrational Review: Gurjieff (G. I. Gurdjieff 1866-1949) I have read full original writings of Gurjieff, though I have read a book about him, with lots of quotes, by Colin Wilson. I also knew one person, for a while, who was a disciple of Gurjieff, and he was quite messed up… But it would be a mistake to judge a teacher by their students..

Getting Smarter, Testing, New Activators, The Courage To Grow

Getting Smarter, Testing, New Activators, Courage To Grow I bet you are wondering what I have been doing for the past few weeks that instead of three posts a day I am only writing one, maybe two a week. I have been busy. The Daily Connection is in a training phase, training plus activation , every day: takes me a good 6-8 hours of intense work to get that done. I have to admit, it’s hard work

What is Love, how does meditation work, what do the activators do?

I have a Landmark Education friend. In Landmark you invent a new possibility for yourself and your life as often as daily… Possibility used to fix your wretched life… in spite of the fact that possibility does none of that.

I may talk about this in another article, but in this one, I’d like to share my educated take on LOVE… and some other topics…

This friend has been calling me all week. He invented loving people. Suddenly he is calling me. And gushing… about love, loving me, blah blah blah.

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/13997/love-6/

Updated: What Is Higher Vibration? How Would You Know It? How Would You Feel It?

I wrote this article three years ago… even with the rewrite it has notions I no longer consider, it has mentions of stuff I have completely eliminated from my teaching. But it is worth reading: it probably bridges to the … Continue reading →

Read More http://www.yourvibration.com/269/what-is-higher-vibration/
Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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