The psychologist, Paul Ekman. who discovered the micro expressions slowed down the film to see the emotion that gave the suicidal woman’s despair away.
Slowing down your reactions will show you your real emotions… so you know, so you know what you are running away from.
Slowing down you may be able to find your strait and narrow… your path to your own happiness and fulfillment.
Fast isn’t going to cut it.
The fence that is built fast will fall down fast… and it is true for everything.
It is Saturday afternoon and Netflix is down… and half of the United States is scrambling, wondering what they should do with their lives. lol…
I have been downloading the Spiritual Energy that is available on this Day of Power, several times today, and it is the nicest energy I have ever encountered…
It’s not physical. It is all spiritual energy, the energy you need to grow, spiritually and as a person, the energy you need to engage in serious self-examination… So here is mine.
Many of my coaching students are at a crucial point in their lives where unless something happens, they probably won’t move forward.
Fear, unclarity, self-centeredness, belligerence…
The main attitude is different. Not one person resembles another in what seems to block their path.
It’s the coach’s brilliance, creativity, insight that will either make a difference or not. What is clear is this: unless someone or something helps them through… they will stay this side of the great barrier.
Great responsibility, but I am up for it.
What is the capacity I need to be OK with this responsibility? It is self-trust. Self trust says: I can dea
The inner view and the outer view of who you are are vastly different. Your chances for success, love, happiness depend on the accuracy of your self-image. ((self-im·age
noun: self-image; plural noun: self-images
the idea one has of one’s abilities, appearance, and personality.
“sickness is an affront to one’s self-image and dignity”))
Do you know that people see you differently than you see yourself? And both you and other people see you differently than you actually are.
You may see yourself worse or better or just plain different than you really are… and so do others.
Your life would work better if the two views were closer. You’d h
Some people won’t adhere to a diet that would make them healthy.
Stupidity? Yes, stupidity on a very deep selfish gene level.
It’s not that they don’t understand the price they are paying.
It’s that they make choices that the genes are making: not making waves, not bringing attention to themselves, not being different, fitting in is more important than being healthy, having energy, feeling good, calm, intelligent.
Almost everything “social” is gene directed. I say “almost” because I am humble. I don’t know any social that is NOT gene directed, but there could be, maybe.
So what do the genes want?
The genes want to survive, and they want to pass into a new generation.
My homework for the course I am in is to read 200 testimonials to a book in my niche.
My niche is self growth, becoming a human being, being all you can become…
A little vague, I am afraid. But being able to pinpoint what attracts people that say they want to grow is what I want to do… so I have been reading those darned testimonials.
I’ve chosen to only track testimonials to book I have read myself:
Frequency by Penney Peirce (personal vibration: 130)… Truth value 3% and E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout (personal vibration: 170) truth value between 5 and 8 percent, depending where the reade
Business, marketing, and other business things are not my favorite things to learn or do. Even though I come from a family where three out of five (I have two brothers) have MBAs, and my father was god of the topic in Hungary…
I gave up going for it one credit short: an enemy of my father would not let me pass an exam…
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
~Thomas A. Edison
I don’t like these topics because they need organization, creating systems, and I am not good at them. I tighten up when I have to do things I am not good at.
I could learn to be good at them, but everything comes at a cost, time and brain cells taken away from what I am
I have been dealing with arrogance in my students.
Arrogance is unearned boastful superiority.
Most people don’t know, don’t care because they themselves are not achievers… but you can have confidence that is justified by your accomplishments, your superior knowledge.
To the uninitiated, they look and sound the same. But they aren’t. You only need to scratch the surface.
I have detected a certain ancestral commonality in that behavior.
And have been pondering why and how and for what purpose are certain nationalities arrogant.
This article starts out very philosophical. If you can’t stand that, jump to here…
What is health?
No one has defined it yet, because just like “good” was until Dr Robert Hartman came along to define it, existed only in a context of good this or good that.
Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article
What Robert Hartman said is that good is that which fulfills completely its design. That which is most fully itself.