Your weakness is the fulcrum around which your life can turn around

turn disadvantage into an advantage

Turning disadvantage into an advantage…

Another book written by Malcolm Gladwell deals with the deficit, the weakness of a person, that becomes the catalyst for them to become the best.

Of course, this is not automatic.

99% of dyslexics can’t read or write well, and are left behind in society.

But a disproportionately large percentage of exceptionally successful people are dyslexic.

99% of dyslexics are kinesthetic learners, perceive the world kinestheticly. It is another hindrance, being

A short meditation to step out of your mind and the noise in your head

rejuvenating short meditationHere’s an awareness exercise (meditation) that I particularly like for rejuvenating yourself with silence:

Sit up straight.

Close your eyes.

Take a few deep breaths to settle down. (if you know how to center yourself, you can do it first)

Then here’s what to do with your awareness:

Eyes closed, get a sense of the end of your personal space in front of you. It’s an energetic phenomenon, mine is about three feet… You’ll feel it.

What creates confidence? Is confidence a skill, a feeling? Neither… it is Stepping out of your mind…

I don’t know if you have ever considered, but having something intelligent to say about anything takes studying and takes intelligent, independent thinking and a lot of experimenting.
Life and the Universe is holographic, which means that in a drop of water the whole ocean is present:…

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