The most popular page on this site,, is my Mind Movies review page.
So I decided to add a few words to it… I added this today:
Bad news: no matter what program you buy, if you remain the same inside, small, arrogant, and fearful, no program will do anything for you… For most people there is a schasm, a big divide between what they want and what they do… And that big divide needs to be bridged by small purposeful actions. But the problem I see with any results based goal setting program: most people are incapable of designing the small actions, let alone doing them. So the success rate of
One of the capacities you want to cultivate is the capacity of being in awe. Awestruck, awe-inspired.
Why? Because unless you can be moved on the inside, you are dead and I can’t help you… nobody can.
Unless you can attain to a certain level of awe, you are not going to be able to have a purpose to your life, or love, or rise above the pedestrian existence of the current humanity.
And no, I am not going to turn it on for you, please don’t ask.
Most people’s health number is at or under 10%. Same is the hydration number… at or under 10%. The more you know about your nutrition, the lower is your number.
I know a “star” nutritionist whose number is 5%. Both the health and hydration numbers.
I have found only a few exceptions with higher numbers.
I mean a few… People who are working with me on their health… plus a long time student, plus a long time friend, plus Dr. Joel Wallach.
Download the pdf version of this article at the end
I woke up this morning. For the second day in a row, I am bursting of energy, more energy than I know what to do with.
I have been sorting my laundry. I have been cleaning the stove top, the sinks… doing things the I turned away from before, because I didn’t have anything to give it.
I went for a quick walk yesterday.
I am getting a lot more done even in my business.
I am starting to get some realizations that I did not expect.
For one: humanity is not ready to raise their vibration.
You are trying to put the cart in front of the horses.
You are worrying about the wrong thing. About the trip to th
The article asking: where do you look to define your value got a lot of “hits” and comments.
Reading the answers I saw that some fundamental distinctions are missing, in spite of the fact that I have written about all of those before, on this blog.
So after reading the article about the three levels of valu
This used to happen to me all the time: I’d get an email with a link. I’d go to the page, I’d love the results the guy is having, I’d want it. I’d buy it… then… I can’t use it. Even the tutorial videos don’t help: I lost my “vision.”
How come we buy things. While we watch the sales video, we feel clear about our need to have this, we feel clear about how it’s going to fit into what we are already doing, we feel clear about what to do.
Then the magic moment comes: we are sitting in front of the product, and we have no idea about any of that.
I hear that only one to two percent of buyers, on average
Context is one of those words that unless you have enough capacities, especially the big picture capacity, is impossible to explain… at least it’s been impossible for me to explain to you.
And yet, if you want to improve the quality of your life, the magic wand to do that is context.
You change the context and everything changes with it.
Your default context is, the context that is invisible to you, but obvious to everyone around you is not pretty. That is where you live… in that context.
Knowing what you want to achieve, is one thing that is missing in you. Another name for that is called “mental representation” of what you want to achieve.
Mental representation is a detailed picture, so detailed and so tangible, that you can pinpoint where reality is deviating from it… and how.
Mental representation is a spiritual capacity that sits squarely on a lot of other spiritual capacities, so obviously it is not part of the first seven most people have, not even part of the first 13, many professionals have, not even part of the first 20, that doctors have. And