An Atlantic article: What does ISIS really want?


What ISIS Really Wants

from the Atlantic

The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.

What is the Islamic State?

Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? The simplicity of these questions can be deceiving, and few Western leaders seem to know the answers. In December, The New York Times published confidential comme

DNA… how many strands of dna does a human have? Eric Pearl and his reconnection method

eric_pearl_bookLet’s talk about DNA… frauds, misinformation, bull crap

I am reading Eric Pearl’s book, something or other Reconnection.

The book has a 2% truth value. Which means that 98 percent of it is untrue. And 20% of it is deliberate lie… the rest is delusion, tree of knowledge, etc.

I read the book on Kindle, and I am at 40% in reading it.

I am reading it as a novel, a fantastical story, and as such, it is funny, witty…

He meant it as telling the truth, and teaching how to heal people…

I watched all episodes of the Mentalist, where the guy, the main character, plays a once fraud, who could talk to the d

Does it ever happen to you that you talk and no one responds?

no one hears me speakYou talk about something miraculous, that could make all the difference for people… you speak, they listen… and nothing.
You say something profound… no echo. You ask for something, and people’s eyes are glazed over.

Well, this is a regular occurrence in my life… it’s been happening as far as I can remember. And it has happened in every language… not just in English.

I used to suffer about it. I used to blame everyone, call them stupid, etc.

There was a point, some 30 years ago, when it first occurred to me that maybe

What are we going for when we ask you to use your activated capacities?

the-beasts-transformationWhat we go for is transformation.

Transformation is the magical seeming phenomenon when from one moment to the other, the world changes in front of our very eyes.
Of course the world argues that you can do anything you put your mind to, but this is a lie. You can do anything that you have the DNA capacities to do.

Capacities can be interpreted as abilities, but there is only a correlation. Talent would be a closer approximation of what DNA capacity is.

I have participated in transformational education for the past 30 years. Mos

What are the symptoms of an activated DNA capacity? Like The Sight, aka the Third Sight.

It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth itHow will you know if the DNA capacity of seeing the consequences of your actions, aka The Sight is working for you or not?

I just realized, this very minutes, that the language of the effect of the capacity used is misleading.

When I say: Let’s look: you look with your eyes, even if I tell you to look with your Self… your Consciousness.

When I say: see the consequences of your actions: you’ll try to see something with your eyes, right?

But here is the problem: they eyes are an outward organ, only a

The capacity of the sight… that gives people like Warren Buffet the edge

warren buffet has the capacity to see the consequences of his actions openWarning: as always, the most important things are explained in the footer part of the post! Don’t miss them!

Some weeks are like this: I do something, see something, write about something important, and on Monday Roy Williams’ Monday Morning Memo echoes it.

This is the case this week… You know when you manage to do something whose time has come? Gratifying, rewarding, like the Universe nods in your direction. ((Roy Wil

Updated: Humility: What Is It And Why Should You Have It? Is Being Humble Meek? Powerless? Stupid? Get Ready To Be Surprised!

humility? tongue in cheek, of courseSometimes guidance comes from a student or client request.

Today I heard from a long time client who never managed to go from a to be… despite of the many courses she came to.

She had a difficult time accessing an activator, part of the Second Phase Activators (I downloaded more than 100 activators in that course!). I checked and she was right, somehow the video got corruteed in the more than three years it was moved around…

I listened to it and it dawned on me that without activating humility, of course you’ll never learn anything. Anything new, I mean.

Here is the article I wrote at the time, and in the meantime I am trying to rescue

Does this ever happen to you?

Profiteer-Agency-Worker-Bait-And-SwitchYou are making all the right moves, you feel on the top of the world, smart, dashing… and then reality comes crashing down…

  • the game you were playing bottoms out: you lose
  • the person you were charming says something like: I have to go to pee
  • the product you produced, book, website, whatever, attracts no response
  • your carefully crafted story falls flat on its face… and lots of more examples I could give…

What happened? What the f… happened? For

More on fitness and vibration… using my own example

stepperYou may need to do a lot of preparation work before you can start doing the work in earnest

As I said, raising your vibration is like fitness. ((Your IQ, as in intelligence, is also like fitness. The difference is that you can raise your fitness in one lifetime, but you cannot raise your intelligence in one lifetime.

Certain ethnic groups have been focusing on intelligence, understanding, mostly.

Other ethnic groups focus on fitness, speed, endurance, strength.

And yet other ethnic groups focus on survival, easy life.))

Vibration is like fitness: no matter your e

Turning points: how to create them so you start having access to being

resentmentThe response to my beingness article has been a cry for help… Help to get you to beingness. This article talks about three ways you block the flow. There are, of course, a lot more ways, but we’ll start with these. When you release these, you’ve done 50% of the work to get to beingness.

We’ll look at the Three R’s, resignation, resentment, regret. We are going to create a turning point in our lives.

Most people wait for something to turn them and their lives around. We are going to take an active approach… we