It is all about where the finger is pointing.

revolutionwordsActivism, campaigning

We all want change. The circumstances to change, others to change… We want people to change to what we deem the correct or good way to be.

We want reality to be different.

We put our attention to what’s wrong, in our view, what is missing, in our view.

In essence, we want the world to conform to our norms.

I am describing, to a more or less degree, humanity… though a segment of the population is very loud about it, very verbal about it: activists and campaigners.

The number one ingredient to become an

The less capacities you have now, the less likely that new ones are willing to open up.

Shortage-of-womenThe less capacities you have now, the less likely that new ones are willing to open up.

Especially if the new capacities would alter your being and behavior dramatically.

If you are a woman, you probably have fewer capacities than men, because in most cultures women are an appendage to a man… even the Bible relegate a woman to companion status… not a full person.

According to Kabbalah women are the vessel, and men are the channel for the Light.

The vessel is all about receiving, and the channel is all about giving.

Whether it is an observation of Kabbalah, or it is programmed, I don’t know, but it su

Who are you? How do you define yourself?

5hgv6a9I just read an article on the Monday Morning Memo and I cringed. It hit me what bs is being propagated as wisdom.

As you have seen, if you have been with me for more than a week, you would know that I knock the idea of beliefs being important to your success in life. And after reading Roy Williams article, I am also going to start to knock the idea that the why is what’s important.

What am I talking about? What is the why, and why should it matter to you?

Here is what is being taught in the entrepreneur field today: If your why is big enough, you’ll do what you need to do, to succeed. ((Entrepreneurs, strictly speaking, are problem solvers for others. But you need to

Restoring Coherence. Harness and redirect the energy instead of allowing it to diminish you

Note: there is a 10-day trial of the Harmonize Your vibration audio at the end of this post… Not everything you feel is an emotion. There are emotions and then there are the effects of emotions. But all emotions can … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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