Merry Christmas

Pink-RC-HelicopterIn this article I will quote the email of the most successful Internet Marketer I know. He makes many millions of dollars for himself a year, helping other entrepreneurs make even more millions for themselves. He has 30 active DNA capacities open and used every day.

I admire him. If my “product” had more mass appeal, I would hire him to work with me… but alas, my “product”, personal evolution, isn’t popular… you’ll see why in the email… you’ll see a symptom of it… he, Frank Kern talks addresses it.

OK, here is the email he wrote to his entrepreneur prospects:

In life you are either a nerd or you are a floater

watch the movie gattacaAre you a nerd? ((One description I found on the internet is this: a NERD is an individual of vast intelligence and curiosity coupled with a natural knack for academics and discovery. You not only appreciate technology, biology, and all the other ‘ology’s – you know what they mean and how they work, too! While Geeks are busy flooding comic-cons and using the internet while pretending to know how it works, you are busy coding the damn internet and earning your Masters or Doctorate (if you don’t already have it/both). Of course t

Taking things personally

dont-take-it-personally2The hardest thing to navigate, at least for me, is to take myself out of the center… Maybe because of my soul correction “Forget Thyself” but it comes back to make me miserable periodically.

I have been testy lately.

I have always wanted to be significant. Do significant things. Be admired… blah blah blah.

What I didn’t realize that like everything ego desire based, desire to receive for the self alone, it has a shadow side.

When you are significant, and someone doesn’t give you what you think they are supposed to… you are angry and miserable.

So this is what ha

What can my recent anger teach you?


I have said before: What you see is the most important element in your life. In this article you’ll see, that what you see is also directed by where you are looking… You can look at one thing or you can look at another ting… and your actions will be sharply different. ((For completeness sake, where you are looking from is also an important factor… where the “where” is not a place, it’s an attitude, expectation, or an already knowing. If this made no sense… it is new to you. Ask me to write an article about that. But here is an example for already knowi

Can you feel energy? I mean you, personally… Different energies?

benders bend energies... in a certain spectrum. avatars bend all the spectrumsWhen I put the word “energy” into the search box on google, most listings are about electricity, and the rest are about woo woo sites.

People still don’t understand energy. Why? Because our receptors for energy are not differentiated enough, and not connected to the conscious mind enough for us to have more words… and without words there is no understanding. ((Some people, example are the crime lab in Criminal Minds, have machines to connect between energy and our senses… spectrometer (an apparatus used for record

What is a DNA capacity activator, what is a DNA activation? What else can be activated? What changes when it is activated?

your intrinsic value can only be seen by someone who had that appreciation DNA capacity turned onThis article expresses a turning point in my work… read it fully if you can.

Some of you may wonder why I am not starting the new Second Phase Activators course… after all I have done it three years ago…

But truth be told… I have learned so much in these three years… that the new course needs a lot of work… maybe not a lot of time, but a lot of thought and technology. And now that I am working on

DNA activation: Human DNA is like a Christmas tree: it has lots of light on, and even more lights off.

active-and-inactive-dna-capacityHuman DNA is like a Christmas tree: it has lots of light on, and even more lights off.

A light on is a human capacity that is active. A light off is a human capacity that is not active.

Evolution of the species is an inside job. It happens on the DNA level: some capacities turn on.

But how do these capacities turn on, and why isn’t everybody the same on the level of DNA?

A DNA capacity turns on when it’s needed. Comfort, peace, smooth living don’t turn on new capacities.

You don’t need them. You could use them, but you don’t need them.

When I

I have been working on starting to lead courses again.

course-1I’ve taken a break, recharged my batteries, and I am ready…

The first step I needed to do is to look at the courses I have already lead, to get a sense that in fact I CAN lead effective courses…

I listened into a whole lot of the recorded sessions. I learned that I have fun leading (I laugh a lot), that the material is amazing, and that the students love participating.

I have decided on doing the second phase activators course… this time with the new energies that eliminate the need for you to be connected while I download the activators… A good 20 minutes each hour was spent on making sure you are connected when I last lead that course.

Negative Emotions Worldwide Transmission

spreading_misery_equallyUnless you learn how to identify with the Witness aka Observer, you’ll be miserable for the rest of your life. Guaranteed. It’s Sunday. Ever since I woke up the Negative Emotion Transmission has been very strong today. Stronger than on … Continue reading

Announcing an unusual coaching program, part of Reclaim

Have you ever wondered how upgrading dna works? Doesn’t it baffle your mind a bit? Doesn’t it spark your curious mind, and make you think incessantly about it? Are you interested in learning facts, trivia and other interesting information about it? You have come to the right place because every so often we update this […]