One fell swoop…

Turning points: I want to get really good at this!
As an Expanding Human Being, you NEVER arrive… Expanding Human Being is not a destination, it is a relationship to Life. An attitude. Learned to the level where it is undistinguishable from inner nature.
I am an Expanding Human Being,…

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Turning Points Part 2: Commit to Life

Turning Points Part 2 In the movie, The Piano, there seem to be several turning points. She is married off to New Zealand. She falls in love with a laborer. Seeming turning points. Why are these not real turning points?

What Is The Most Important Capacity To Master?

Ever since Saturday I have been observing myself putting myself down, de-valuing myself. Telling people I am not such a good coach, etc. etc. etc. I know what happened.

How Will You Activate The Light? Are You Part Of The Majority That Is Always Wrong?

How Will You Activate The Light? Are You In The Majority That Is Always Wrong? In this article I will introduce you to the ultimate trigger that operates the “faucet” for receiving light. It will surprise you, and it will, probably, disappoint you, but you will be wrong to take it that way.

What is "Natural Growth" and how to Accomplish it, Spiritually, and in Business

Most of the people I know are either stagnating because they don’t put themselves in a situation where they need to grow, or they put themselves in the courses and seminars and coaching programs to grow, but they don’t grow because …