If I asked you what will be the most important capacity to master in the coming years, you would come up with all kinds of capacities, but I bet you would not think of saying: becoming astute.
If you go to the online dictionary, like one of my students did, the one for whom I made this activators, you would not understand why that capacity is important.
You may need to do a lot of preparation work before you can start doing the work in earnest
As I said, raising your vibration is like fitness. ((Your IQ, as in intelligence, is also like fitness. The difference is that you can raise your fitness in one lifetime, but you cannot raise your intelligence in one lifetime.
Certain ethnic groups have been focusing on intelligence, understanding, mostly.
Other ethnic groups focus on fitness, speed, endurance, strength.
And yet other ethnic groups focus on survival, easy life.))
Gurus teach this… but obviously even they don’t quite get it… The order of things is this: Being creates the doing and the doing creates the having… If this didn’t make any sense, you are not alone… billions are in the same place… WTF does that mean?!
be – do – have
But getting it would make all the difference for you: suddenly finding constructive actions, actions that actually lead to what you want… And between you and me, that is not a small thing. I get lots of requests to muscle test for people if the actions they decided leads to
We all bow to a “god”, the god of respectability. Looking good, being well thought of, getting respect. ((Even animals pretend, just watch your cat… their survival depends on looking good to you… so they pretend…
To be authentic, no need to pretend, willing to be seen, warts an all, is more human, it is in the direction of evolution.))
And while you give your life to respectability, your life sours, your dreams die, you stop knowing who you are, where you are, what YOU want, what YOU want to do with your life.
Most are stuck there, but some (you?) yearn to know and live in harmony with who they are… but how do you go about it?
Bad news: you can only get to your true self, to your inner beauty, your inner goodness, your inner truth through wading through the ugly, the nasty, and the mountain of lies.
Good news: What you need to wade through is a certain amount of ugly… 30, 50, 70? Depends on you…
There is a finite amount, though it is still a small army o
More than half of my site’s visitor come to download the codes by Grabovoi, for free. Grabovoi’s numbers are the type of miracles that people hope for, angels, spirits, gods… ((99% or more of those visitors are from Catholic countries, by the way.))
I have contemplated that maybe I should remove those articles, and maybe I should.
Why? Why would I want to remove a post that brings in so many visitors?
I tell you why! Because people who are interested in those numbers, are not my people. They want miracles, angel dust, prayer, magicians, shamans, or some other form of “please do it for me” magic.
Of all the people that searched for the Grabovoi codes, I am aware of one person who stayed and became a star student of mine… One out of hundreds of thousands.
But what if the people who search for the Grabovoi codes need my help?
What about the people who don’t feel well, who are bloated, or can’t get enough rest in the night, tired, sluggish, listless, depressed, not en
How to be the eye of the storm calm… Three moves you can learn and practice
Everything is moved by the invisible… where all the power is. Some are just one layer below the surface, some are deeper… but all the same, all changes, all movements, all phenomena comes from there, the invisible.
Do I see all the forces in the invisible that jerk on your chains? I don’t.
But be sure that your efforts to manage the visible, in reaction to what you see, is misdirected.
Let’s look at the economy in the wake of an election.
If you ask anyone, they all want to be happy. But happiness eludes people, the more you want it the further it goes. In this talk, Osho addresses the issue. He approaches it from many different angles, blaming it on your parents, blaming it on society, and then finally he gives you a glimpse of …
You live in a world of your own design. And you create the world with your beingness.
We think that beingness is all good… But beingness is neutral.
One of the beingnesses we are really familiar with is BEING judgmental. Or the flip side of it (they always go together, like the two sides of the coin!) BEING judged.
Both are beings.
Which is more frequent? They are the two sides of the same coin: judgment. Pretending that you have the right and the power over life and death…
Recently I found myself finding my life blah. So I set out to regain my will to live… because with blah comes no will to leave, much like when you are forced to eat tasteless food, you lose your will to eat.
I also noticed that the color faded from my language. People stopped complimenting me on the turn of phrases, the expressions, the metaphors I used… because I stopped using them.
Lacking confidence?
Summary: An enlightened being is confident. Confident in their ability to be a match to whatever life throws at them, and therefore they don’t fret, don’t sit around, they do what it takes to achieve what they set out to achieve.
A confident person can do almost anything….
Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12148/path-to-enlightenment/