chanting: 200 chanting OM: 200 visualizing to send love to the world: 300 Dr. Susan Shumsky Personal vibration: 200 Divine Revelation: 200 Truth value: 160 anastasia personal vibration: 600 the book: Anastasia (The Ringing Cedars, Book 1) 295 Revelations from Anastasia… book series: 300 Ann Taylor (clothing retailer) 250 David Wolfe _ 1 250 Deborah King _ 2 personal vibration: 225; books: 225 Dr. Robert Cassar _ 3 Personal vibration: 250; theory: 250 Drs. Phillip (200) and Jane Phillip (200) Mountrose their teaching: EFT for everything: 190 Hans King personal vibration: 190 Path of the Soul : 95, representative of the stuff he teaches Kenji Kumara personal vibration: 200 quantum light weaving: 250 Yan Amenta 190 Footnotes
Vibrational Reviews: More Distance Healers

Coherent Healing and Medical Intuitive Matt DiLorenzo personal vibration: 160 accuracy of “diagnosis”: 20% Effectiveness of healing: 30% empath? no Susan Grey healer empath? no how does she connect? through “seeing” fake? fraud? yes (judging from her own self-perception) … Continue reading →
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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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