People who say the whole truth was revealed to them are lying. Even if their name was Moses…

moses made up a whole story from an insightThe nature of “revelation” is that you get a glimpse beyond the veil, then the veil closes.

People who talk about “grand” revelations are filling in the gaps in sight and memory with their imagination, that is why most things you read have a very low truth value. 1%-10%… very few over 20%.

So what is the process that allows revelation to create a system of higher truth value?

My experience has been that experimentation, using the fresh and dramatic information as a starting point, you start to poke the edges of the unkn

How to make your new DNA activated capacity actually work for you


Unconscious Incompetence: the missing item

Like knowledge, capacities are either conscious or not.

When a knowledge, a skill, a capacity is conscious, you know to reach for it when it would be useful. It is like you know you have a Phillips screwdriver… and you reach for it.

But if you have never had a Phillips screwdriver, as far as you are concerned, you have to substitute other methods to screw in a screw, imperfect tools for an imperfect result, or give it up and find another screw. Makes sense so far?

Turning points: how to create them so you start having access to being

resentmentThe response to my beingness article has been a cry for help… Help to get you to beingness. This article talks about three ways you block the flow. There are, of course, a lot more ways, but we’ll start with these. When you release these, you’ve done 50% of the work to get to beingness.

We’ll look at the Three R’s, resignation, resentment, regret. We are going to create a turning point in our lives.

Most people wait for something to turn them and their lives around. We are going to take an active approach… we

The story of your life…

One of my greatest revelations about transformational methods was in the Wisdom Course, a year long Landmark program.

It was a method of telling the story of your life.

You can tell the story of your life in a lot of ways.

from abuse to abuse
from success to success
from the point of view of what school you went to

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Gossip and the two wolves: good and evil.

What is choice, really? Do you ever choose? Probably not.

Choice: Selecting freely, AFTER consideration

I think, at some point in our lives we decide whether we want to be good or bad.

I decided twice. The first time I decided that somebody had to pay for my misery… and the only way to have them pay, whether they were guilty or not, is to be bad.

Then, when I learned the art and power of taking responsibility, of pulling the power to myself, I made a new decision, I decided to be on the side of good.

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What is Love, how does meditation work, what do the activators do?

I have a Landmark Education friend. In Landmark you invent a new possibility for yourself and your life as often as daily… Possibility used to fix your wretched life… in spite of the fact that possibility does none of that.

I may talk about this in another article, but in this one, I’d like to share my educated take on LOVE… and some other topics…

This friend has been calling me all week. He invented loving people. Suddenly he is calling me. And gushing… about love, loving me, blah blah blah.

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Why is this happening to me?

Why is this happening to me? add the whiny voice… and you can hear that this is not a useful question.
On the other hand, when you can answer that question (without asking it first), it has the same effect as a light switch flicked in a dark room.
So, how do you get to the answer without first…

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In 1993, at age 46, my general practitioner declared me incurable.

I remember it was a cold day. An employee in my publishing company, drove me home from the doctor. It was a Wednesday. It felt weird. The feeling of no control over my life, the feeling that there is nothing I can do.
I wasn’t sad. I wasn’t thinking of dying. I only thought of loss of…

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From a life of resignation to a life worth living

What is more painful? The discomfort of finding yourself out, warts and all, or the pain of a life of not moving?
Most teachers, most gurus, let you remain the way you are (excellent business strategy,by the way, your misery remains, and you are hooked for life), and for that you are so…

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Flip the Switch On. Now you are connected. Simple. Easy. Brain-Dead Simple. Get All The Light You Need.

Sophie Benshitta Maven

This is the reprint of a 3-year old article… Flip the Switch On. Now you are connected. Simple. Easy. Brain-Dead Simple. Get All The Light You Need. The feedback from people attempting to connect is coming in, fast and furious, … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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