I have been looking a map to show you how to get from where you are to a high consciousness, to a high vibration. Today I watched two John Wooden (UCLA basketball coach) videos on youtube, and got the feeling … Continue reading → Related Posts: High vibration and low vibration symptoms video What it’s […]
A breakthrough in raising my level of consciousness

I have been teaching you how to raise your consciousness, your level of consciousness, by allowing something or someone guide you to look at things beyond where you always look, and differently than you have always looked.
I consider myself always a student as well… so I have been listening to myself, and following my own teaching.
But the results, in the area of growing visibility, increasing my following, increasing my
You read, you watch videos, and nothing seems to stick, nothing seems to become useful knowledge

If you are trying, you read, you watch videos, and nothing seems to stick, nothing seems to become useful knowledge, listen up.
This is an interaction from yesterday, with a student of mine who has this same problem.
He says: I can’t even explain how I need and want to allow more knowledge in and execute it in my life. You are right my lack of humility is preventing me from doing anything new. It is so tough when I want to learn more but I can’t get it to stick.
Life skills, capacity, talent, desire, ambition, greed defined… can you manifest with what you have?

OK… this is the continuation of the WWII article…
In that I talk about Hitler and look at what was the issue that caused him losing the war in Russia… So I am repeating what I said there…
Hitler: 10 capacities working. Enough to come to power. Enough to dupe millions and millions. But not enough to create and execute a winning strategy of war. Impatient, jumping around, making blunders. Also: he didn’t see the big picture… his greed blinded him.
Magical Thinking and Activating DNA capacities

As I am asking questions that are probing, like “what displaces humility when someone doesn’t accept the capacity?” I am bumping up again and again to magical thinking.
When I look at the ethnic/cultural distribution of the people who block humility in favor of magical thinking, I find that
- spirit god cultures, like Native American and African, Shamanic cultures.
- Catholic, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox alike
- Religious Jews
- People of the Indian subcontinent… where it is how it is… you are stuck there
In magical thinking, something or someone will mag
Covering your facebook avatar with the tricolor French flag: what does it mean about you?

Covering your facebook avatar with the tricolor French flag: what does it mean about you?
Pretense? Courage?
Posting high-sounding sound bites on Facebook, like Marianne Williamson did:
David didn’t defeat Goliath by normal means; he defeated him by hitting him in the Third Eye. Goliath has one Achilles’ heel, and that is that he has no conscience. The only thing more powerful than hate gone viral is love gone viral, and that is what we must make happen now. T
he problem we face cannot be healed by normal allopathic means. This is not an operable cancer that we are dealing with; si
The fallacy that anything that is Indian is good for you

I have a new client. 35 year old male from Central Africa.
I suggested that he posts his food diary and mood diary every day, so we can figure out how to get him well.
So far there are intense symptoms of yeast die-off, once we removed sources of sugar and starches.
Going deeper, I found…
You want to be special but you don’t want to do anything for it… not really.

I was researching this whole Third Eye humbug on the internet.
Of all the “supernatural” abilities people want, this seems to take the prize!
People want to be special, want to stand out, what to amaze people, but they don’t want to pay the price. Please check if you are part of “people”. My hunch is that if you tell the truth, you’ll find that you are.
Now, what is wrong with this picture?
It violates fundamental spiritual laws.
What are spiritual laws? Why are they spiritual?
Spiritual laws are the laws of the invisible. Energy, for example. Energy is invisible. It can be made
Vibrational Review and a lot more: Dr Eric Berg

I had an interesting experience, very much in line with the Humility process I teach:
A client of mine wrote to me today recommending I check out a weight loss doctor. I did.
I went through an online self-evaluation which took me to a page where I could order my personalized regimen to lose the weight I carry on my belly…
I kept on bringing an open mind, curiosity… and finally ended up with what I could have started: I know nothing about weight loss… and I am not qualified to help people with their weight. Hm…
But I could learn, if that were my goal.
I muscle tested this guy, Dr
Spiritual Practice: Neutralize being ineffective and unhappy, neutralize overwhelm

As I have said before: the ONLY way to be happy is to accept what is, exactly. Accept how it is. And also accept how it isn’t.
Now, this second statement, accept reality how it isn’t is the topic of this article, the essence of this spiritual practice. Accept that it is what it is, not something else, that may look better, faster, easier…
One of the symptoms of not accepting reality the way it isn’t, is overwhelm… another one is misery… Want to know more?
Now, before I continue, I want to explain something: